Day: December 21, 2024

Sat. Dec. 21, 2024 – the missing digit was “6”

Cool and clear. Maybe cold and clear to start. No clouds to hold the day’s heat in… And there was a little bit of heat in the afternoon. I took my jacket off. Long sleeve shirt over a T was fine, even in the sun, but adding the windbreaker/rainshell made me a bit sweaty.

Did my errands. Went by my secondary to drop stuff off. Did pickups on the way. Went to Lowes and got a faucet (which was on sale, hooray!), and eventually made it to my rent house to replace the leaky faucet. That took an extra half hour due to me misplacing a rubber washer, and some corrosion on a nut. It was straightforward, but I was still laying on my back under the sink with my hands above me.

I don’t know how I ever got anything done without a headlamp. Since I started working at the BOL, I’ve been using a headlamp whenever I work. The extra illumination can make the difference between squinting and reading comfortably, and it makes so much work so much easier. Whether it’s working under the cabinet or just casting my own shadow on the electrical outlet, the light makes it better. I don’t have a specific recommendation, but the new ones are small and the batteries last a long time. Get something that uses normal AAA batteries, so you can change them and keep working without waiting for a recharge.

In the evening, D1 went with a friend to a basketball game in another district, and I had to pick her up at 9pm. That blew the chance of decorating the tree. That has now slipped to today. This is the latest we’ve ever been with getting a tree set up. Maybe because we did the one at the BOL it took the urgency away. Dunno, but I like a natural tree and colored lights in the house and it will be great to get this one ready.

Today I’ve got a nearby pickup. It’s a present for W, and some stuff for my hobby, and some preps. I’ve got to go to the store and get one of the things W asked for, and I might get something off D1’s list too. D2 has a big pile already. Then I just need to wrap presents, and I’ll be good to go. If I get there, it will feel nice. I’m usually wrapping on Christmas Eve…

I’m still adding to the stacks. The pace has slowed, as the stacks piled up, but there have been some great opportunities lately, and I’m taking advantage. Keep your eyes open, and someone else’s misfortune might be your gain. And then you can stack it up…


(the pattern started with the date, then the first group of digits and the last group doubled while the middle two groups incremented by 1 each. That made the missing digit the 6 in 256.) (all those base 12 doublings were irresistible.)

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