Hot. Crazy stinking hot in a black truck, and humid too. Forecast says we’ll have a couple of clear days, but it was patchy clouds yesterday. On a macro level, clear, in our microclimate? Only the Shadow knows. I’m looking at weather stations I can install at the BOL, like the one I have here. Only I’m looking for one that works, unlike the one I have here. Leaning toward another newer Acurite 5-n-1…
I spent yesterday doing some kid chauffeuring, and some fiddling around with stuff in the house. I did get a couple of small things done. I’m working on cleaning, organizing, and getting stuff ready for auction. I’m trying to get stuff out of the house…
That’s not working as well as I’d like.
Wife and D2 will be headed to the BOL later today. I’ll stay home with D1 for a while. I’ve got my non-prepping hobby meeting on Saturday and I have to be here for that. Plus, I just spent a week at the BOL, while my wife was with her parents. She needs some time to relax from that.
I’ve got a pickup this morning, and a Dr appointment in the afternoon. D1 did not make her sportsball team, so I guess I dodged a bullet there. That means a LOT fewer trips, pickups, and weekends that are not our own. Last year she was a walk on, but this year there were 40 girls trying for 20 spots. She’s not exactly heartbroken, as she is pretty ambivalent about sports anyway.
Life is what happens while you are waiting for other stuff…
Don’t forget to live your life while waiting for the zombies to come. They might not come in your lifetime. But do stack, stacks help all the time.