Day: December 27, 2011

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

09:07 – Last night we were looking for another series to start watching on Netflix streaming, and came across GRΣΣΚ in our queue. I’m not sure how it ended up on ABC Family, because the only thing it has to do with family is that the two major characters are brother and sister. Well, that and that the fraternity and sorority members refer to each other as brothers and sisters, respectively. The PTC must positively hate this program.

Within the limitations of network television, it’s a reasonably realistic depiction of college life, at least as I remember it. Granted, there’s not as much drinking, nudity, sex, and vomiting as I remember from 40 years ago, but they’re all there, at least in broad brush. The series was canceled, but there are 74 episodes, so we’ll probably continue watching it.

11:09 – All governments make contingency plans for possible events, including extremely unlikely ones. The US government, for example, almost certainly has plans in waiting in case we go to war with Canada, and Canada almost certainly has plans for war with the US. (France also has such plans for wars with numerous countries, but those plans are all the same: surrender immediately.)

But governments also make contingency plans for events that are considerably more likely to occur, and this falls into that category. Yep, the UK has plans for what to do if (when) the euro collapses. And not just economic plans. The UK has a duty to evacuate British citizens who are trapped in other EU countries that become embroiled in turmoil, rioting, and (potentially) full-blown revolutions. And these plans are not merely diplomatic, but include the possibility that UK military forces will have to get involved. I have no doubt that London is coordinating with Washington on this, and it wouldn’t surprise me to learn that both the UK and the US are pre-positioning carriers and other naval assets for emergency evacuations of US and UK citizens, particularly from the southern periphery. If/when the euro collapses, things are likely to get very nasty very fast in Greece certainly, and very possibly in Italy, Spain, and Portugal.

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