Day: November 24, 2011

Thursday, 24 November 2011

09:21 – Happy Thanksgiving to my US readers.

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for dinner last night, with Doritos as the second course and ice cream for my evening snack. And people say I don’t eat a balanced diet. I started to watch the second episode of Survivors last night, but it was so well done that I stopped. I really think Barbara would enjoy the series, so I’ll save it until she can watch it with me.

I’m going to spend some time today building chemistry kits. Although the product page says we’re out-of-stock and will begin shipping backordered kits the week of 4 December, I’m still uncomfortable having outstanding orders and no product to fill those orders. I have 28 sets worth of chemicals bottled and ready to package. It’s a couple hours’ work to get those 28 chemical subassemblies packaged up, so I’ll try to get that done today.

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