Fri. Mar. 29,2024 – Good Friday

Cool and “crisp” here at the BOL. I’m hoping for clear today, but we’ll see. Supposed to be clear. It was another gorgeous day in Houston before I left yesterday. Sunny, cool, not much wind. Spring is awesome.

Did my pickups and errands. Loaded the truck, and headed to the BOL around 10pm. And that simple statement belies the hours spent driving around and the traffic, which was epic even by Houston rush hour standards. I did pick up some veg and some blueberry bushes to plant in the garden. The bushes are for up here for sure, but I haven’t decided on the peppers, zukes and cukes, or some of the extra seeds. I did get some herbs and mint for here.

I’ll check on how our group garden is doing today too. The potatoes are thriving, the rest is a mixed bag according to my buddy. I brought some onion sets for here as well. I think I’ll add them to the group effort, rather than my little patch. I may just cover my patch in black plastic and try to sterilize the soil this summer, and plant in the fall. It won’t really be sterile, but it’s supposed to knock the nut grass down. I think it will depend on if I get some irrigation working for the garden.

I also got some lumber and trim to do maintenance on the dock and the dock house. 16ft pressure treated 2×6 is pretty freaking heavy when it’s wet. I will be struggling to handle them unless I put the job off ’til they dry out a bit.

I need to get some insulation and plywood to cover the walls in the garage, but I figure those are good things to get locally. I think I need to start spending money in the local economy. It’s a small place, and it can’t hurt to be a known entity. I’ll have to look for opportunities that won’t cost much more and that are actually available here.

Meatspace baby.

Stack some relationships. And stuff. Plant your garden.


46 Comments and discussion on "Fri. Mar. 29,2024 – Good Friday"

  1. drwilliams says:

    There should be a German-derived name for the eternity between the loading and firing of the coffee production device and the removal of the first life-giving cup. 

  2. SteveF says:

    how did Julia Roberts get old ?

    She’s younger than I am but looks older.

    As the saying goes, men age like Sean Connery and women age like … Sean Connery.

    There should be a German-derived name for the eternity between the loading and firing of the coffee production device and the removal of the first life-giving cup.

    Die langsamzeit.

    German has several words and idioms for slow. Some other might be better. I’m not fluent enough to pick amongst the nuances.

  3. Greg Norton says:

    The wife dropped the price on her townhouse from $429,500 to 409,900.

    We do not like what Bidenflation has done to the interest rates.

    The people who looked at the townhome want us to replace the floor with modern tiles. Not gonna happen.

    They don’t want the tile as much as they do the credit.

    To qualify for the best rate of ~ 7% right now, a buyer would need a take home of over $12k/month and at least $80k in the bank for the down payment, even with the price cut.

    The $360/month condo fee covers what exactly?

  4. ITGuy1998 says:

    Biden is President but he thinks that he is a dictator.

    Trump is not President but he wants to be the president dictator.



    Replying to any criticism of Biden with something about Trump…..yeah, who could have predicted this response?

    Challenge: Name the top 10 things Biden has done while President. Saying he’s not Trump 10 times doesn’t count.

  5. drwilliams says:

    So Dictator Trump would issue edicts to control things over which he has no authority? 

    Like AI?

  6. MrAtoz says:

    12.  The Old Guard (six stars !)

    I’m anxiously awaiting S02. I believe principal filming is done (for quite a while). I hope they don’t ruin S02 with some woke crap: “Andy has lost her healing ability, but prepares to ‘fall on her sword’ to fight climate change”.

    Anthropomorphic Climate Change is real! The Sun, Oceans, and Earth have no effect! Only Hoo-Mans!

  7. Denis says:

    There should be a German-derived name for the eternity between the loading and firing of the coffee production device and the removal of the first life-giving cup. 

    German has this cool thing where one can just run words together. Tada!


  8. MrAtoz says:

    RIP Louis Gossett, Jr. A great actor.

  9. drwilliams says:

    Second-best portrayal of a non-woke sergeant evah! 

  10. Greg Norton says:

    The wife dropped the price on her townhouse from $429,500 to 409,900.

    Were you renting out the condo over the last few years since your wife’s father passed?

  11. CowboyStu says:

    From Lynn:

    See if your library has “When The Wind Blows” in ebook.  Awesome book by Patterson.  First of a two book series about genetically modified kids.

    My library has it 1 copy.  Its ebook app, Libby, says the copy is loaned out and ready to borrow in two weeks with nobody else having a “hold” on it.  Consequently, I put a hold on it and will be the next to borrow.

  12. Nick Flandrey says:

    Name the top 10 things Biden has done while President.  (really his cabal of handlers)

    – then decide if they are GOOD things.

    1 drew down the SPR to historically low levels.   (missed the chance to refill at low cost)

    2 gave billions in our tax money to Uke in actual dollars and in materiel

    3 gave billions of our tax money to people who made poor choices about money and their education

    4  yeah, can’t think of more

    but what else has happened as a continuation of the Lightbringer’s policies?

    5 continues to degrade the military by driving out conservatives, appointing freaks to command, and selling or giving away assets

    6 continues a foreign policy of war with pretty much everyone

    7 continues spending trillions we don’t have on stuff we don’t need to do, which will inevitably lead to MASSIVE WAR, or currency collapse as it always has.

    8 continues to alienate our historic allies and coddle/appease/support our historic enemies with the exception of Russia, which gets its own crazy

    9 continues to allow millions of criminals to pour into the US while promising them better support and benefits than our own citizens and veterans get, and in fact ENCOURAGES them to come.

    10 continues the destruction of a health care system that used to be the envy of the world

    – I could go on, political suppression of “enemies”, state sponsored censorship, weaponization of government agencies, widespread domestic spying, internal movement restrictions.

    Please list even THREE dictatorial things that Trump did while in office.


  13. drwilliams says:

    “the Islamist gangrene”

    Quote in French press from Pen’s granddaughter. 

  14. SteveF says:

    Please list even THREE dictatorial things that Trump did while in office.

    1. He Tweeted!
    2. He Tweeted mean tweets!
    3. He Tweeted covfefe!
  15. lpdbw says:

    Please list even THREE dictatorial things that Trump did while in office.

    Much as I enjoyed his time in office, he was not perfect.  I’m of the opinion he’s the second-best president in my lifetime.  I was born during the Eisenhower administration.

    Dictatorial would be an exaggeration, but he made these huge mistakes, with the force of the government behind them:

    1. Bump stock ban
    2. Operation Warp Speed
    3. Allowing FDA to issue EUA for unstudied untested new technology
    4. Allowing immunity from lawsuits and prosecution to big pharma

    I’d add listening to Ivanka, Jared, and any Kardashian to the list, but that’s just me.

  16. Nick Flandrey says:

    Almost all of those were the result of listening to advisors and “experts” which is sorta the opposite of dictatorial.

    Bump stock ban has been overturned (three part gov process worked), and half or more of gun owners and FUDDs supported it or thought it was no big deal, because they personally thought bump stocks were stupid.  

    Truth, or at least alternative viewpoints, are finally being widely heard, and the coercion and suppression are finally being publicized wrt the whole wuflu fiasco.

    I think you could make the case that banning entry to the US might have been an overreach, it made sense to me at the time and I don’t recall under what authority it was done…

    —- good or bad only history will tell, but I prefer someone who at least makes statements and has policy positions that put US interests first, and believes in American greatness.  I also prefer someone who hasn’t been enriching himself thru his government “service” for an entire lifetime.


  17. SteveF says:

    I moved something over a ton of dirt this afternoon, a little under half of the remaining dirt and mulch. Could have kept going but the weather was not cooperative: sunny, decent temperature, no rain … but wind gusted hard enough to cause popping. I shoveled maybe 250 pound at a time into a large, strong bag, then dragged it on a dolly across the lawn to the garden, then (with some effort) rolled the bag up and dumped the dirt. Knock the clay off the wheels of the dolly then go back up to check my laptop for email or messages, then get another load. Worked well enough.

    I had the chickens out for about four hours as I did that. They were mostly fine but were scared by hawks buzzing them a couple times even with me nearby. Some 3-S action might be needed there, though I do have to wonder what the hawks were thinking. One for sure is much smaller than even the smallest of my chickens – I saw it up close and personal, close to my birds. The other hawk is probably about the same, though it didn’t get close enough to be sure.  I finally put the chickens in their run because they forgot the hawks and were wandering all over while I was busy shoveling.

  18. Lynn says:

    You know, I miss the old sound of the spinning hard drive stepper motor while it was busy searching for stuff.  The new SSD and M.2 drives are so quiet that they do not make any noise while building and loading a database of 250,000+ files for me.

  19. Greg Norton says:

    You know, I miss the old sound of the spinning hard drive stepper motor while it was busy searching for stuff.  The new SSD and M.2 drives are so quiet that they do not make any noise while building and loading a database of 250,000+ files for me.

    Maybe the PC vendors will emulate the EV manufacturers and add the traditional motor sounds to a desktop computer.

    IIRC, somone, maybe Toyota, is going to add a stick shift!

  20. RickH says:

    @Lynn  – the answer is out there (disk sounds). Sez my AI:

    There are several programs and tools available that can monitor disk activity and provide audible alerts when the file system is accessed on a Windows 11 system. One such tool is called “Disk Pulse” which offers real-time disk change monitoring and can be configured to play sound alerts when specific events occur.

    Here’s how you can use Disk Pulse to monitor disk activity and set up audible alerts:

    1. **Download and Install Disk Pulse**:
      – Visit the Disk Pulse website ( and download the appropriate version of Disk Pulse for your Windows 11 system.
      – Follow the installation instructions to install Disk Pulse on your computer.

    2. **Launch Disk Pulse**:
      – Once installed, launch Disk Pulse from the Start menu or desktop shortcut.

    3. **Configure Disk Monitoring**:
      – In Disk Pulse, go to the “Monitor” tab and select the disk or directory you want to monitor for activity.
      – Choose the monitoring mode (real-time, periodic, or directory), and configure any additional monitoring options as needed.

    4. **Set up Audible Alerts**:
      – In Disk Pulse, go to the “Options” tab and select “Sound Alerts” from the menu.
      – Check the box next to “Enable Sound Alerts” to enable audible alerts.
      – Choose the type of events (such as file creation, modification, or deletion) for which you want to receive alerts.
      – Configure the sound settings, including the sound file to be played and the volume level.

    5. **Start Monitoring**:
      – Once you have configured the monitoring and alert settings, click the “Start” button to begin monitoring disk activity.
      – Disk Pulse will now monitor the selected disk or directory for file system activity and play audible alerts when specified events occur.

    By using Disk Pulse or similar tools, you can monitor disk activity and receive audible alerts when the file system is accessed on your Windows 11 system. This can be useful for detecting unexpected file changes or suspicious activity on your computer.

  21. Lynn says:

    “Skinwalker (Jane Yellowrock, Book 1)” by Faith Hunter

    Book number one of a fifteen book dark fantasy series. So far, the entire universe is twenty-three books of Jane Yellowrock and Soulwood books. I reread the well printed and well bound MMPB published by ROC (Penguin) in 2009 that I bought and first read in 2017. I own all of the books in the series and plan to purchase all future books.

    Jane Yellowrock is a full blood Cherokee of unknown age who is a skinwalker and vampire hunter. She is the only skinwalker that she knows of since her father died. Jane is permanently bound with a female mountain lion she calls Beast whose food she stole while walking The Trail Of Tears. And Jane has been hired by the Vampire Council of New Orleans to kill a rogue vampire. BTW, I am partial to Cherokees as my wife is 3/8 Cherokee.

    The author has a website at:

    My rating: 5 out of 5 stars (I am thinking six stars)
    Amazon rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars (5,740 reviews)


  22. Greg Norton says:

    —- good or bad only history will tell, but I prefer someone who at least makes statements and has policy positions that put US interests first, and believes in American greatness.  I also prefer someone who hasn’t been enriching himself thru his government “service” for an entire lifetime.

    Trump threatened a lot of soup bowls, both Republican and Democrat.

    And the problem isn’t just in DC. However, six of the ten wealthiest counties in the US surround the District.

    The suburbs of the tech hubs which decide elections anymore are filled with people dependent on soup bowls from government at all levels, both directly and indirectly.

    We aren’t getting out of this without all of those people taking the proverbial haircuts. Voluntary would be easier on the country, but that isn’t going to happen.

  23. Alan says:

    Interesting morning today…Wife spent it in the ER after having a couple of stroke-like symptoms. If nothing else, gets you to the head of the line at the hospital. Doctor said the symptoms were consistent with a TIA. No prior or family history of the same. Ran a bunch of blood tests, x-rays and CT scans. Thankfully, all were negative. “Come back if any symptoms reoccur and follow up with your PCP” were the discharge instructions. One more item on the ‘worry list.’ /Sigh.

  24. Alan says:

    New DM columnist…wonder if this will cut back her time on Fox…

  25. Alan says:

    At least they’re not blaming Tesla. I’ve always heard that an automatic center punch is the best tool to break a side window on a submerged car.

  26. RickH says:

    Buried in my center console, but I know it’s there, is a car glass breaker and seatbelt cutter. Not that I expect to use it, but it’s there. Gave one to the kids for Christmas presents a while back.

    Lots of choices – there’s even one that fits on a key ring. Link here

    Also good for car burglary, of course, according to some videos I have seen.

  27. Lynn says:

    “Breitbart Business Digest: It’ll Take at Least a Decade and $2 Billion to Rebuild the Bridge”

    “A lot can happen over a decade. There will be five more congressional elections and three presidential elections. The economy will almost certainly have passed into and out of at least one recession between now and 2034. Changes in the fiscal position of the U.S. or the political stance of the government could dramatically slowdown—or, less likely, accelerate—the reconstruction. So, we wouldn’t be surprised if the bridge still is not rebuilt 15 years from now and if the final price tag is closer to $5 billion.”

    We don’t build bridges like this anymore due to their cascading failures.  So a new bridge would need to be designed that does not have cascading failures.  And, the environmentalists will have lawsuits filed soon to stop everything.

  28. SteveF says:

    Also good for car burglary, of course, according to some videos I have seen.

    And, unlike many other items used to break tempered glass windows, you have an innocent reason to have one in your pocket.

    I’ve punched out two side windows and one windshield. I do not recommend this course of action. Sure, if you’d otherwise drown or burn or if you need to save a trapped baby, it’s worth it to risk a broken hand. Otherwise, you should ask yourself if, say, expressing your displeasure with someone’s driving is really worth the cuts and bruises and possible breaks.

  29. Ray Thompson says:

    If nothing else, gets you to the head of the line at the hospital.

    Last trip we took to the hospital when my wife was having heart symptoms. She knew because of big one she had in the past. We sat in the ER for three hours with no action on the part of the hospital. We finally left when she felt better and no longer had symptoms. Blood tests the next day at the PCP indicated a very mild heart attack. Her PCP said next time call 911 and demand an ambulance. Regardless of how mild the symptoms. That gets priority at the ER or at least a receiving room and quick evaluation.

    He then wrote a nasty-gram to the ER at the hospital. Which is also part of his medical group. The doctor was not at all pleased.

    Too many welfare leaches with kids with sniffles who demand immediate attention. People who use the ER because no doctor will see them because they are leaches and waste the doctor’s time. 

  30. Lynn says:

    They don’t want the tile as much as they do the credit.

    To qualify for the best rate of ~ 7% right now, a buyer would need a take home of over $12k/month and at least $80k in the bank for the down payment, even with the price cut.

    The $360/month condo fee covers what exactly?

    Lawn mowing, community swimming pool, property insurance on the exterior of the buildings (expensive after roof replacement in 2021 due to hail storm), etc.  It is a managed neighborhood.  Everything that can be common is handled by the Condo Association.

  31. SteveF says:

    The economy will almost certainly have passed into and out of at least one recession between now and 2034.

    What are they predicting, that we’ll come out of the current depression, be ok for a bit, enter a recession, and pull out of it, all in ten years?

    And, the environmentalists will have lawsuits filed soon to stop everything.

    Yah, that’ll be 2-5 years right there, unless some judge smacks them down hard right off. Or unless some person or organization which is severely impacted by the missing bridge whacks them right after they file their first motion.

    As Chris Rock said, “Now, I ain’t sayin’ it’s right … but I understand.”

  32. SteveF says:

    We sat in the ER for three hours with no action on the part of the hospital.


    Too many welfare leaches with kids with sniffles who demand immediate attention. People who use the ER because no doctor will see them because they are leaches and waste the doctor’s time.

    If someone were to get fed up and deal with it, “Now, I ain’t sayin’ it’s right … but I understand.”

  33. Lynn says:

    The wife dropped the price on her townhouse from $429,500 to 409,900.

    Were you renting out the condo over the last few years since your wife’s father passed?

    For a while, yes.  A guy was cleaning it out for her for reduced rent.

  34. drwilliams says:

    “Breitbart Business Digest: It’ll Take at Least a Decade and $2 Billion to Rebuild the Bridge”

    Round up a few thousand illegal invaders and train them up for construction. When the unions don’t like it ask them who their union is supporting for prez (hint: FJB wears his hard hat backwards).

  35. drwilliams says:

    Look for someone to compile a list of companies using ESG scores. If half their clients decide to move their money elsewhere, the companies will backtrack. Wish them well as you leave, and nominate them for the Bud Light Hall of Fame.

  36. drwilliams says:

    President Biden was going to use OSHA to fire employees who didn’t get the COVID-19 vaccine, but he’s letting 8 million illegal immigrants over the border with no vaccination history.

  37. drwilliams says:

    Things My Father Said: ‘Here, It’s Not Loaded’

    One of a series. Recommended.

  38. Greg Norton says:

    “Breitbart Business Digest: It’ll Take at Least a Decade and $2 Billion to Rebuild the Bridge”

    Florida Man got it done in seven years even with Democrats in charge of the state back then.

  39. Nick Flandrey says:

    I was talking with one of my neighbors about the bridge, I figure 20yrs unless fedgov insists on an immediate rebuild and waives all the red tape.   Even then, 5 years before breaking ground.

    But it could just be my cynicism talking.


    cut down one dead tree.  About a foot in diameter, and 30ft tall.   Cut up and stacked.  


  40. Nick Flandrey says:

    Played ‘Sequence’ for family game night.   It’s one of my favorites.   Simple but has challenges.   Won two, actually had a draw for the middle game.

    I usually play with D1, and wife plays with D2.   D2 always forgets to draw her card and ends up finishing the game with a handicap…


    I’m sniffling and snotty so I’m going to drink my Airborne and crash.

    No fire tonight even though it’s a lovely night and 63F.


  41. Ken Mitchell says:

    Florida Man got it done in seven years even with Democrats in charge of the state back then.

    This is 40 years later. This generation of Americans is less capable, less driven, less educated,  and arguably less intelligent than those of two generations ago. Way more DIVERSE, but diversity isn’t nearly as important as the DIE acolytes think it is. 

  42. Nick Flandrey says:

    Hey Denis and Brad, it occurs to me (finally) to ask, would you like the day’s post to go live earlier?   I usually set the time randomly to be sometime between 5am and 530am Eastern time.

    No real reason to not post earlier.


  43. Jenny says:

    We are having three birch trees taken down tomorrow. They are unhealthy and if they come down in a wind they’re likely to hit our neighbors house. They are right on the fence line and drop limbs in his yard which doesn’t endear us to him.

    The quote to have the whole job done, including removal of brush (not trunk) was thousands and thousands of dollars. 
    To drop them and chunk them up is well under a thousand. 

    Sigh. It’s going to be a looong summer of dealing with branches and detritus. 

    Snow is melting. We’ve still got 4’ in the shade. a couple feet against the fence line. Youngest dog is leaving the yard at will. She hops into the neighbors yard then runs to our front door and barks. Today I spotted her in the neighbors yard and hollered. She came dashing towards me, turned to parallel the fence. In an unexpected move worth of The Little Rascals, she leapt up a 30” concrete wall seemingly into a wood fence – except shed cleverly found the one loose board. She nosed it aside mid leap and it neatly closed up behind her, leaving no evidence of her path. 

    I was stunned, then laughed uproariously for several minutes. What a clever and agile beast she is. 

  44. Lynn says:

    Dogs are awesome and sneaky.  Just not as devious as cats.

  45. Lynn says:

    “How many kids start out this way today? Not enough, I fear.”

    Matt Bracken, former SEAL and author of several books, has written about his sense of connection to the Francis Scott Key Bridge disaster.  He helped to build several bridges in that area during the 1970’s as a teenager.  I found his description of the hard work involved very impressive.”

    Matt Bracken’s books are awesome.  Sounds like he had a good prep for being a SEAL.

    We have some tough years coming in the USA. Probably just about the time I retire by choice or by reality.

  46. Denis says:

    Hey Denis and Brad, it occurs to me (finally) to ask, would you like the day’s post to go live earlier? 

    Thanks, Nick. I have no strong preference. I do notice that Brad or I will sometimes post a “late” comment on what, for us, is already the previous day’s post, which then goes more or less unnoticed when the day rolls over. On the other hand, it’s pretty easy to re-post the same thought to the next day’s comments.

    I do like it when I am awake early and the new day’s post is already up, as I have the impression of being the first to get to read it, and maybe also the first to comment, but that is pure vanity…

    I’m not sure to what extent bringing the daily post live earlier would cut off the late-night commenters. Wouldn’t like to mess with anyone’s insomnia therapy!

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