Mon. Mar. 25, 2024 – manly men doing manly things – eh, not so much.

Cool, overcast, damp, and maybe some rain. In Houston. At the BOL yesterday, it started grey but cleared in the late afternoon, and ended up with a beautiful sunset. Nice.

I spent the afternoon doing small jobs. Worked on the lawn tractor that my neighbor gave me. The mower deck is shot, but the rest is nice. Only 154 hours on it. No maintenance, ever, except oil and filter, but I’ll get it caught up. Then I’ll have one mower to mow with and one without a deck to pull the trailers and other accessories. And if my mower blows up (it’s been ridden hard and put away wet) I’ll rebuild the mower deck on this one.

It’s funny to realize that my buddy up here doesn’t fix stuff, or even take great care of it. I though I was casual about cleaning and maintaining but I’m obsessive compared to him. I’m starting to see it as a pattern up here that counterbalances some of the other stuff, like living a prepared life because that’s how you were always raised to live. I might let something go too long, but then I fix what broke. There are a lot of folks up here who would just park it in the yard and move on to the next one. Taking me some time to get a good handle on what I think I’m seeing.

Helped plant replacement peas in the garden. Potatoes are doing great, turnips, radishes, not as well, but they are growing. Pepper plants are budding. I’m debating what to do in my raised beds in Houston, and if I should do some sort of scatter garden at the BOL. Just throw some seeds out and see what happens. I’ve got a lot of old seeds and they aren’t getting younger. I’ll have to see if there is time to till.

Did more cleaning up and putting away too.

Today I’ve got some stuff to do around the house. I don’t think I can do auction pickups until tomorrow, so maybe I’ll work on my hobby website, or do some work for my client. Hmm. Domestic bliss is stacking up too.

I’ll fill the day, that’s for sure. And some of it will be productive.

Stack some stuff, ya know ya wanna…


90 Comments and discussion on "Mon. Mar. 25, 2024 – manly men doing manly things – eh, not so much."

  1. Denis says:

    I just brought the RAV4 to its summer-tyres appointment. We haven’t had any snow since yesterday, so that ought to work out fine… 🙂

    nick, if you have no time to till, consider no-dig gardening. Basically, cover a plot with cardboard, to exclude light and kill everything, including weeds, then spread compost atop the cardboard, and sow into that. The Charles Dowding method:

    I am considering doing exactly that to our small plot at the BOL, as last season’s till and sow was not a success, and nasty perennial weeds (docks) have established themselves as a result. Rather than use my precious glyphosate on them, I think I will snip their leaves off with a hoe, cardboard over the top and get a truckload of humous dumped on top.

  2. Greg Norton says:

    VPNs seem to be fraught. W1 has a MacBook that won’t mirror its screen to our TV if her VPN is active. I can’t figure out if it’s a bug in the VPN, in the Mac, or if it is Apple silently torpedoing her attempt to get around geoblocking of the content she wants to watch.


    They usually have entries in the routing table for local networks. I never had a problem printing at home when I worked on my MacBook for the last job.

    OTOTH, lazy developers and/or paranoid admins will have everything routing down the tunnel depending on service and software.

  3. Greg Norton says:

    I hate it when software “breaks”. Our ISP’s router provides a VPN, which I use regularly, when I’m on the road for work. Starting a few weeks ago, my laptop (Linux) can still connect fine, but my phone (Android) cannot. Same settings (though Linux offers more options). But it worked for a couple of years, and I’m not aware of any updates, either to the phone or the router.

    You’ve been around the block enough times to know not to trust PPTP on a home router, right?

    I can setup configure PPTP to be secure, but not if the “road warrior” configuration runs on a WiFi network.

    OpenSSL deprecated certain grades of public certificates and hashing within the last year. Your Android client may not be as up to date as the Linux client.

  4. brad says:

    You’ve been around the block enough times to know not to trust PPTP on a home router, right?

    The router uses L2TP, so that’s not a worry.

    Mostly, I have a bunch of little services running at home that I don’t want accessible on the open internet. When I’m away, and something breaks, I need to be able to get in and fix it. Also, sometimes it’s nice just to peek in on things.

  5. Greg Norton says:

    Sitting at dinner at a seat next to the window at a local Thai hole-in-the-wall restaurant popular with the DoorDash/Uber Eats/Favor crowd, I couldn’t help but notice that the delivery drivers coming and going in their reserved spots all had very high end vehicles.

    I guess the gig economy and Turo are how the hipsters are affording their rides. I counted a Subaru Forester, and two EVs – a Ford Jesus Truck and the Hyundai … Ioniq?

    If you’re buying a $90,000 F150 Lightning and you’re driving Favor to make ends meet, you’ve made a serious accounting mistake somewhere.

  6. Greg Norton says:

    The router uses L2TP, so that’s not a worry.

    If you keep the Linux client up to date, the culprit is probably Android’s built-in L2TP capability.

    Someone isn’t up to date on their IPSec SA deprecations.

  7. brad says:

    Someone isn’t up to date on their IPSec SA deprecations.

    Ah, that could be it! This is an area where I only have a very shallow understanding, but I haven’t seen an update on my phone in…a very long time.

  8. Greg Norton says:

    Someone isn’t up to date on their IPSec SA deprecations.

    Ah, that could be it! This is an area where I only have a very shallow understanding, but I haven’t seen an update on my phone in…a very long time.

    If you’re really curious, the Main Mode IPSec negotiations are unencrypted through … R2?

    It has been a while for me.

    Wireshark can dump and interpret the IPSec negotiations, and you can see where the disconnect takes place in I1 and R1’s SA sets.

    I don’t recommend going too far down the IPSec/VPN rabbit hole. It ate 10 years of my life.

    The corporations don’t want to pay for the service and associated R&D because they all know the truth about “working” from home. 

  9. ITGuy1998 says:

    I have an open position and was going to hire an internal candidate to fill it. He currently works for our corporate IT, and is mostly teleworking. My position is completely onsite. He didn’t mention any issues when I talked to him informally, and then in the formal interview. After we make him an offer (with a 10% pay raise), he requested a 25% pay raise. He says he needs the raise to cover the cost of daycare since he will have to come into work regularly. Yeah…..

    I’m not against telework if it’s handled correctly, and things get done. I highly doubt much work is getting done while watching the kid during the day. Needless to say, he isn’t going to be hired. He’s younger, and what we offered him was generous. He is also being very short-sighted. He has the potential to double his salary in 5 to 7 years if he comes to contracting side. Back to square one to try and find a linux admin.

  10. Nick Flandrey says:

    Warm and overcast this morning.  Although the sun is making an effort to break thru…

    Missed the lunar thing.   Head hit the pillow and I was gone.  When the alarm rang, I didn’t know what it was for a minute.

    Coffee today is a new bag of Kirkland Columbian Dark Roast.    They stopped carrying my favorite (for the money) Community Dark Roast in favor of Community Breakfast Blend a couple of years ago.   I have ordered the Community coffee from amzn, but for a few months there was a whole bean dark roast at costco for a very good price.   And it tasted just fine.   This last shopping trip the new brand was gone, so the next cheapest dark roast was the Kirkland.

    I have to say, it’s pretty tasty.   Lighter, with a bit of smoke flavor.  Smells nice, like a typical colombian.

    Expect to hear the phrase “affordable luxury” applied to all sorts of things as the economy gets worse.   Coffee will be and “affordable luxury”.    Cigars are already sometimes marketed that way.   (pipe smoking is the most affordable version of the vice.)  Charmin has always been a “better” brand, but not ever marketed as an indulgence.   We’ll see if that holds up.

    I’m no economist (I can’t lie with a straight face pretending to understand something with made up graphs) but I believe as prices rise the sequence is – use a bit less and spend the same amount of money, move to a lower cost brand, change consumption to occasional/ special treat, remember the good times in the past when you could afford xxx.

    I started with Gevalia, then moved to the grocery store brands (petes? whoever was bought by starbucks) then started moving down the scale.  I’m at Kirkland, which is a value brand.  Will I have to eventually  crack the sealed cans?   Probably.  Then it’s brands in plastic containers…


  11. Nick Flandrey says:

    If you’re buying a $90,000 F150 Lightning and you’re driving Favor to make ends meet, you’ve made a serious accounting mistake somewhere.  


    Being told you deserve the best, live your best life, everyone else is living better, it’s corrosive to common sense.   And “easy payments” are a trap it is very easy to fall into.

    He is also being very short-sighted. He has the potential to double his salary in 5 to 7 years if he comes to contracting side. Back to square one to try and find a linux admin. 

    – very few are willing to ‘do the work’ it takes.   He probably sees himself running a company in 5 years  (in his brain it’s a vague “sometime soon”) so why bother putting in the work now?


  12. Greg Norton says:

    I have an open position and was going to hire an internal candidate to fill it. He currently works for our corporate IT, and is mostly teleworking. My position is completely onsite. He didn’t mention any issues when I talked to him informally, and then in the formal interview. After we make him an offer (with a 10% pay raise), he requested a 25% pay raise. He says he needs the raise to cover the cost of daycare since he will have to come into work regularly. Yeah…..

    Private equity moved into childcare in a big way since the beginning of the pandemic, but, really, the move was underway during the brewing financial crisis which started in 2019 but the lockdowns conveniently short circuited with Trump Bux introducing serious cashflow into the system.

    Still, 25% is a big jump. Everyone became a Made Man in the Work From Home Mommy Mafia. in March 2020.

    If it was a female candidate, you would have been in a tough position with HR as soon as that person laid the childcare card down on the table.

  13. Nick Flandrey says:

    Ecuador’s youngest mayor, 27, is assassinated along with her aide in latest murder of a political figure in crime-ravaged country

    • San Vincente mayor, Brigitte Garcia was found shot dead in a rented car
    • Garcia and Jairo Loor were reportedly killed by gunfire from inside the vehicle 

    The young politician is the latest political figure to be killed in the South American country.

    Last August, presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio was gunned down when leaving a rally – with only two weeks to go until the election.

    Footage shared on social media showed Villavicencio, 59, being escorted out of the rally venue at 6:20pm local time and into a waiting car.

    He was climbing into the back seat when gunfire rang out. The windows did not appear to be bulletproof.

    A week before his death, the ex-journalist who was well-known for taking on corruption head-on, revealed he had been threatened by a gang leader connected to drug trafficking.

    In July 2023, another Ecuadorian mayor, Agustin Intriago, was shot dead whilst he toured his city – Manta.

    another failed state.


  14. brad says:

    I don’t recommend going too far down the IPSec/VPN rabbit hole. It ate 10 years of my life.

    I totally agree. I am interesting in a lot of different aspects of IT, but not really this. For things like VPNs, I am just a dumb user. Not least, because the specs and algorithms seem to change constantly.

    He says he needs the raise to cover the cost of daycare since he will have to come into work regularly. Yeah…..

    A lot depends on the age of the child. If you’re talking a small child, yeah, he’s spending too much time caring for the kid. From maybe 9 or 10, the kid is old enough to be self-sufficient, needing an adult in the house “just in case”.

    Still, his family situation is not your problem.

  15. Greg Norton says:

    Being told you deserve the best, live your best life, everyone else is living better, it’s corrosive to common sense.   And “easy payments” are a trap it is very easy to fall into.

    Trucks have been fetish items since the late 90s, but Tesla and Ford really ratcheted things up with the promise of delivering $40,000 EV versions in a 2% interest rate environment, which they knew was not even remotely feasible long term.

    This area is especially bad because the whole planet seems to have decided to roll the dice on moving here on as much credit as they can scrape together and see if they can strike it rich doing … something.

    From what I understand, the local dealer F&I rooms really push Turo and 80 month loans to make the deals for the EVs and $80,000 conventional trucks work on paper now that 2% interest rates are no more.

  16. Greg Norton says:

    Still, his family situation is not your problem.

    The Work From Home Mommy Mafia makes it your problem in the US. 

    The Mafia has decided that they are not returning to the office post-pandemic, especially the women, and use escalating childcare costs as an excuse. 

  17. EdH says:

    I woke up at midnight for the lunar eclipse, but conditions hadn’t improved, just above freezing, winds at 30mph, scudding clouds over the moon.   

    I could  have waited for a clearing, but went back to bed. It had been a long day.

  18. EdH says:

    Coffee today is a new bag of Kirkland Columbian Dark Roast.    They stopped carrying my favorite (for the money) Community Dark Roast in favor of Community Breakfast Blend a couple of years ago.   I have ordered the Community coffee from amzn, but for a few months there was a whole bean dark roast at costco for a very good price.   And it tasted just fine.   This last shopping trip the new brand was gone, so the next cheapest dark roast was the Kirkland.

    My neighbor mentioned the Kirkland when I complained about the supermarket blend I use having declined in flavor to where it was undrinkable, and I am not a picky drinker by any means.

    In the last month I have tried a pound of Dunkin Donuts, meh, a pound of Peets, OK, and a pound of Starbucks, too harsh.

  19. brad says:

    The Mafia has decided that they are not returning to the office post-pandemic, especially the women, and use escalating childcare costs as an excuse.

    The easy answer is what I wrote above: employees’ personal lives are not the company’s problem. They shouldn’t be doing any sort of intensive child care while working.

    Which brings up the management issue: Finding ways to measure people’s productivity. Seeing people warming seats was never a good way: lots of people surfing, with a quick screen-change at the sound of footsteps. In lots of professions, it’s difficult to measure. However, that’s what managers are paid for: knowing what their employees are doing, assigning tasks appropriately, and noting when those tasks have been done.

  20. MrAtoz says:

    Another win for the tRump:

    Slapped DOWN! NY Court of Appeals Gives Trump a Win, Hands Big LOSS to Letitia James and Judge Engoron

    Amish James swaggering around bragging “she gonna take his shit” will now have to eat a crow pie.

    Everybody knew the fine was ridiculous. The appeals court probably got the word from the mafia in NYFS “da rulin’ is bad for da biz”. Bada bing.

  21. MrAtoz says:

    Russain troops apparently fed long-pork ear to one of the terrorists. And ran 80v through another’s nuts.

    I wonder what US Troops would have done? Dress them up in tutus and high heels?

    Vlad is looking like shite right about now.

  22. MrAtoz says:

    LOL Ole Snakehead, the gift that keeps on giving:

    HA! ‘Preachy Female’ AOC Flips OUT After James Carville Tells the TRUTH About Preachy Females on the Left

    The guy looks more like Skeletor every day.

  23. JimB says:

    RickH, I just saw Brian Bilbrey’s post. Thanks for the wellness check. He seems to have the ability to comment turned off lately. I could have sworn I posted one or two over the years.

  24. Denis says:

    Russain [sic.] troops apparently fed long-pork ear to one of the terrorists. And ran 80v through another’s nuts.

    The alleged terrorists. After an atrocity like that, the police and secret services would have seen their own necks on the block if they didn’t deliver good footage of apprehended “terrorists” without appreciable delay. Who’s to say they didn’t just grab a handful of the next best plausible perpetrators and rough them up for the cameras…?

    I have to say that I found the footage of Putin shedding crocodile tears for the victims particularly distasteful. He has more blood on his little finger than all the Moscow attackers put together. Not that I condone their acts, either.

  25. EdH says:

    LOL Ole Snakehead, the gift that keeps on giving:

    HA! ‘Preachy Female’ AOC Flips OUT After James Carville Tells the TRUTH About Preachy Females on the Left

    The guy looks more like Skeletor every day.

    “oft evil will shall evil mar.”– Theoden Thengel

  26. JimB says:

    brad says:

    Ah, that could be it! This is an area where I only have a very shallow understanding, but I haven’t seen an update on my phone in…a very long time.

    Just curious, I get updates frequently, probably once a month. I have an AT&T locked phone, and always have. Early on, I decided I wanted a one-vendor solution. AFAIK, that has worked OK. Not sure, because I can’t see the details of each update. In my case, AT&T is layered on top of Samsung, which is layered on top of Android. I originally thought that was a recipe for disaster, but it has been trouble-free for over a decade. My only issue is that AT&T is not what it used to be, however, two years ago I looked at alternatives, and all of them came up short. Now, I might give T-Mobile a try. Still not ready to go independent and have more control and ability to screw things up.

    What is your situation WRT Android? I use mine several hours a day, mostly as a small tablet, and it is great for that. When we go out of town, I use it exclusively for days on end, and it is all I need. I used to carry a notebook computer, but no more. My only complaint is that Android is increasingly evolving into a UI for dummies, just like the desktop computer operating systems. However, it seems to me that the cutting edge of some app development is on small devices.

    My experience with Android phones has been better than any other operating system. I like almost all of it, and that is saying something. The updates, for instance, always go flawlessly, and the phone is returned to operation with everything I had running still running. Windows requires me to do some manual restarts, and then I have to open all the apps I normally use. Various Linux distros were vague on whether I had to restart, and the only way I would find out was when the whole house of cards came crashing down. I am a little disappointed that Android for desktop hasn’t made an entrance yet.

  27. Ray Thompson says:

    TSA will not accept my VA health ID. I talked with an agent and asked what would happen if I did not have another form of ID. He said they would do it the old fashioned way. In other words, that lazy-assed agent in Atlanta was not willing to put in any extra effort. Or she was too stupid. Or both.

    According to the TSA agent, almost all federal IDs will not work in the new system. Not even their own TSA IDs. Stupid TSA, but then I repeat myself.

    Spokane airport is almost empty. More TSA people standing around than airline workers. Check-in took less than 5 minutes. I could have used self check-in but the agent was standing doing nothing so I put him to work. Much to his displeasure. Suck it up buttercup.

    Security was the normal. It took about 15 minutes, mostly because of the clueless family in front of us. Take off the shoes, empty the pockets, everything in a tray, walk through the machine, beeps, stand in the x-ray machine, everything OK. The metal knee joint sets off the metal detector.

    Flying used to be fun, and adventure. Now it is an ordeal, people with no class, no intelligence. Everyone treated like cattle, some passengers even smell enough to reinforce the point.

    Cold here in Spokane, some rain. We had good weather for almost all of the trip. Will arrive in Atlanta about 8:00 PM, which is 5:00 biological clock, so we will drive all the way home. It will be good to get back in my own bed.

    Oh, and I did see a car at the hotel this morning with a screwdriver stuck in the location for the radio antenna. Redneck 101.

  28. EdH says:

    Re: Brian Bilbrey’s post.

    OMG that looks cold.

  29. Brad says:

    @JimB: I use my Android phone a lot, probably more than I should. Partly for work: I am associated with three different schools, and Outlook for Android let’s me see all three accounts in one place. Partly for home stuff: all of my files are on OwnCloud, so if I want a quick peek at a document, it’s easy. Finally, too much surfing…like right now…

    My biggest injection to Android is probably the security. Things are screwed down very tightly, which is good thing, but it also means that you, as a user, cannot see everything going on.

  30. RickH says:

    Our phones (mine and spouse) are Galaxy A32 5G from T-Mobile. Got them about 2 years ago. Have worked just fine.  Current Android version 12.

    Used mainly for reading (via Kindle App), and phone/text/email, along with various apps. Haven’t had any problems with any of the apps. Updates work just fine.  Have also used it as a wi-fi hot spot during some power outages. 

    Coverage here on the Olympic Peninsula WA is just fine.  Also works for our trips to CA (mainly via I-5) and UT (I-5, I-82/84, I-15). Did one trip to TX (via UT then home through AZ/NM/CA etc) without coverage issues. 

    No issues here with cell phone or T-Mobile service.

  31. Ray Thompson says:

    The Boeing CEO is going to step down. He did a bad job of running a company where safety should be the number one objective above all else. The company failed. The CEO will leave with his tail between his legs and a multi-million dollar departure check. I wish I could fail at a job and get paid. I would settle for a measly million dollars.

  32. EdH says:

    Had lunch with a young man that I bought a NOS telescope focuser from yesterday.  

    We had a heck of a time meeting up because cell service was out in Mojave.  Finally arranged to meet at the airport using email.

    I wonder if the comm infrastructure in California is startung to collapse? It makes sense that it would start in rural areas first.

    Anyway, we made the deal – it probably looked like spies buying & selling  a stolen Norden bombsight…

    He is looking for a job. Anyone looking to hire a young aerospace engineer/programmer just recently working with C, C++, and even C#, with knowledge of hardware interrupts and the like? Active security clearance?

  33. EdH says:

    The Boeing CEO is going to step down. He did a bad job of running a company where safety should be the number one objective above all else. The company failed. The CEO will leave with his tail between his legs and a multi-million dollar departure check. 

    Sadly he and his fellow corporate firee’s will cry all the way to the bank.  I am sure cushy board appointments await afterwards.

    When one door closes, another opens.” as someone said of Boeing the other day.

  34. Greg Norton says:

    Sadly he and his fellow corporate firee’s will cry all the way to the bank.  I am sure cushy board appointments await afterwards.

    I thought I read that the new CEO was a board member.

  35. Bob Sprowl says:

    My Motorola Moto Z4 Android using Ting via Verizon worked fine on my trip in November – Mongomery, Birmingham, Memphis, Oklahoma City, Amarillo, Albuquerque, Flagstaff, Las Vegas, Reno, Sacramento, Vallejo, Dublin, Modesto, Bakersfield, Barstow, Las Vegas, St George, Sal t Lake City, Laramie, Omaha, Davenport, Cedar Rapids, Minneapolis, St Loius, Paducah, Nashville, retuning to Mongomery.

    One connection problem northeast of  Salt Lake CIty in the Rockies for about ten minutes but was not a problem for me.  

  36. Brad says:

    I thought I read that the new CEO was a board member.

    Probably. At that level, it’s all s gigantic circle-jerk, sitting on each other’s boards, approving each other’s excessive salaries.

    A couple of years after the 2008 debacle, I looked up several of the bigwigs responsible. They all landed in other, similar positions, except for a couple of older ones who retired on their golden parachutes.

  37. SteveF says:


    I am sure cushy board appointments await afterwards.

    “When one door closes, another opens.” as someone said of Boeing the other day.


    At that level, it’s all s gigantic circle-jerk, sitting on each other’s boards, approving each other’s excessive salaries.

    George Carlin:

    It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.

  38. JimB says:

    OMG that looks cold.

    Ayup, it is. I have some relatives in ME. Hardy folk. I’m not hardy when it comes to cold. Remembering OFD.

  39. Lynn says:

    I am loving the Starlink.  I just uploaded a 182 MB patch file to my website in Pittsburg in under three minutes.  So much better than the DSL lines which also locked up my download stream while I was uploading for 20 minutes.

  40. JimB says:

    Thanks to all for the Android comments, especially about security. Important to me because my wife uses the same phone, a Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G (whew!) I have always worried about taking a device away from our nice, safe home, with its pretty good security. It’s a jungle out there, and Android has performed admirably.

    I should be looking for my next phone, but our last of the Note series phones are just peachy. Like almost everything about them. Nothing is perfect. I really want one of the larger screen foldable models. We’ll see.

  41. JimB says:

    So much better than the DSL lines which also locked up my download stream while I was uploading for 20 minutes.

    Hmm, my DSL handles simultaneous up and down traffic just fine. Slower than yours at 4.5 down and 0.7 up.

  42. Lynn says:

    He is looking for a job. Anyone looking to hire a young aerospace engineer/programmer just recently working with C, C++, and even C#, with knowledge of hardware interrupts and the like? Active security clearance?

    Federal contractor in Austin and Houston is hiring for several positions:

  43. Lynn says:

    “Scott Adams Spreads Epic New Meaning of Woke Acronym “DEI””

    “Whoever came up with “Didn’t Earn It” as the description of DEI might have saved the world.”

  44. Lynn says:

    Side Quested: Wicked Witch and Children

    So the Hansel and Gretel story is just a tall tale ?

  45. Lynn says:

    So much better than the DSL lines which also locked up my download stream while I was uploading for 20 minutes.

    Hmm, my DSL handles simultaneous up and down traffic just fine. Slower than yours at 4.5 down and 0.7 up.

    AT&T ????

  46. Lynn says:

    I have an open position and was going to hire an internal candidate to fill it. He currently works for our corporate IT, and is mostly teleworking. My position is completely onsite. He didn’t mention any issues when I talked to him informally, and then in the formal interview. After we make him an offer (with a 10% pay raise), he requested a 25% pay raise. He says he needs the raise to cover the cost of daycare since he will have to come into work regularly. Yeah…..

    I’m not against telework if it’s handled correctly, and things get done. I highly doubt much work is getting done while watching the kid during the day. Needless to say, he isn’t going to be hired. He’s younger, and what we offered him was generous. He is also being very short-sighted. He has the potential to double his salary in 5 to 7 years if he comes to contracting side. Back to square one to try and find a linux admin.

    Counteroffer at 15% raise ?

    The millenials are different from the boomers and Gen X.  They expect the employer to pay for everything.  And they know that the employer has no loyalty to them so they have no loyalty to the employer.  It is a very different world from what I grew up with and worked in until the early 1990s.

  47. SteveF says:

    I came across “Didn’t Earn It” very early this morning and made an image to suit. Was going to post it to Gab tomorrow, but if it’s going hot today, I posted it a few minutes ago so as to jump on the bandwagon.

  48. SteveF says:

    And they know that the employer has no loyalty to them so they have no loyalty to the employer.  It is a very different world from what I grew up with and worked in until the early 1990s.

    Quoted for Truth.

    I entered the non-military workforce just as the old corporate bargain was coming apart so I’ve never known anything resembling loyalty or even honest dealing from employers other than one sole proprietorship. And yet the owners or managers run the old playbook of “pull an all-nighter to help us all succeed!” and all the rest. Even “We treat our employees like family”, which is not as big an incentive as they seem to think it is.

  49. lpdbw says:

    SETAC , South East Texas Amateur Club is holding a meet-and-greet  for the public in NW Houston in May.  It looks like there’ll be info about Amateur radio, and CB, and GMRS.  Might be a useful intro to the hobby.

    I’m not a member of SETAC.  I’ve never attended any of their events or nets.

    No foxes will be harmed at this event.  (Fox Hunt is actually using directional radio equipment to find hidden transmitters).

    Flyer cut-n-paste below.  All PDF formatting lost.

    Radio In the Park + Fox Hunt!

    Saturday, May 4th 10am—4pm
    Kickerillo-Mischer Preserve
    20215 Chasewood Park Dr, Houston, TX 77070

    Have you ever wondered about 2 way radio ? Maybe you remember CB radio? Have you
    ever been somewhere and your cell phone didn’t work? Are you curious what exists
    beyond “walkie talkies”? Are you interested in communication for camping/hiking/etc?
    Ever wanted to talk to people across the city? Across the country? In other countries?
    Come and Join us for a day of radio , meet & greet, public education, and
    Portable Stations.
    Look for our Radio Communication banner, and the antennas!

    Questions Contact: Anthony

    SETAC—South East Texas Amateur Club
    Texas GMRS
    Houston/Galveston React
    And more! All are welcome! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC

  50. paul says:

    It rained 1.25 inches last night from about 1 am to 6 am.  I think some of the trees sprouted more leaves last night.

    I went to Wal-Mart.  Forgot to take the old microwave.  I think this was the first time ever to go there and not buy anything.  The microwave section is pretty wiped out as the Spring models are on the way.  They had one I liked, $80, but I’ll pass on the floor model at full price.  $50?  Sure. 

    I brought in the old machine from the EDC that we used in the travel trailer and on the SeaRay.  It’s an Emerson.  The label says it was built in Korea in 1999.  600 watts with a 15 minute mechanical timer.  Works for me and one less clock to set.

    I’ll look again in a month.  No rush. 

  51. Lynn says:

    “Taking Triplets to Home Depot Is as Hard as It Sounds . . . But Not Impossible With Carabiners”

    I am still picking my jaw off the floor.

  52. Lynn says:

    I brought in the old machine from the EDC that we used in the travel trailer and on the SeaRay.  It’s an Emerson.  The label says it was built in Korea in 1999.  600 watts with a 15 minute mechanical timer.  Works for me and one less clock to set.

    I’ll look again in a month.  No rush. 

    We use the microwave so much that I have a spare boxed up in the garage.

  53. CowboyStu says:

    I’m the CB “Old Ranger”, copy that?  10-4, over and out.

  54. Nick Flandrey says:

    Ran across some jargon, and a concept new to me in one of my trade mags… 

    Officials of the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in Arlington, Va., are asking Peraton to continue the company’s work on the Mission-Integrated Network Control (MINC) project.

    MINC seeks to build and demonstrate software that creates a secure network overlay with control mechanisms that enable distributed management of agile, self-healing networks of networks to support multi-domain kill webs in contested dynamic environments.

    MINC contractors are developing on-demand connectivity between sensor-to-shooter networks by focusing on three key capabilities: developing an always-on network overlay to access available networking and communications resources and control parameters; using a cross-network approach for managing network configuration; and creating ways to determine the best information flows for kill web services.


    Hah, “contested dynamic environments”.     LOL.  

    for more on the concept.., 


  55. CowboyStu says:

    Now I’m thinking back to the ‘70’s when our 4WD bunch was going all over the Mojave Desert 4Wheelin’, camping and having great times.  Also on the 58, 395 and I15 talking by the CBs to the hog-haulin’, high-ballin’, hillbilly 18 Wheeler drivers.  

  56. Lynn says:

    “UN demand for Gaza cease-fire provokes strongest clash between US and Israel since war began”

    “UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The United Nations Security Council on Monday issued its first demand for a cease-fire in Gaza, with the U.S. angering Israel by abstaining from the vote. Israel responded by canceling a visit to Washington by a high-level delegation in the strongest public clash between the allies since the war began.”

    “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused the U.S. of “retreating” from a “principled position” by allowing the vote to pass without conditioning the cease-fire on the release of hostages held by Hamas.”

    Biden thinks (that is debatable) that a two state solution will work.  It will not.

  57. drwilliams says:

    Why donI suspect that the AP is leaving out details to the point of blatant dishonesty?

  58. Lynn says:

    “China Reportedly Phasing Out Intel, AMD Chips From Government Computers”

    “New purchasing rules are making it harder for Chinese government agencies to procure computers with US-made chips, according to The Financial Times.”

    Wow, I thought that we were paranoid.  I guess that they are running some variant of Linux.

  59. Lynn says:

    “Russia Again Threatens to Attack Starlink, Citing US Spy Satellite Risk”

    “This comes amid reports that SpaceX is building hundreds of spy satellites for the US government.”

    I am wondering how Russia will shoot down 6,000 LEO satellites.  Answer, by poisoning LEO.

  60. MrAtoz says:

    “China Reportedly Phasing Out Intel, AMD Chips From Government Computers”

    They’ll probably just steal Apple designed M-chips.

  61. Lynn says:

    Russain troops apparently fed long-pork ear to one of the terrorists. And ran 80v through another’s nuts.

    I don’t want that phone call.

  62. MrAtoz says:

    Mega Millions is $1.1 Billion and Powerball is $800 million!

  63. paul says:

    Mega Millions is $1.1 Billion and Powerball is $800 million!

    I should buy a couple of tickets.  Can’t win if you don’t play. 

  64. Greg Norton says:

    Wow, I thought that we were paranoid.  I guess that they are running some variant of Linux.

    They have a CPU which has seen a lot of work in the Linux kernel lately.

    The government used to have a Linux distro, but my guess is that they now run Debian.

  65. MrAtoz says:

    The PLTs are truly Looney Tunes:

    ‘This Seems Backwards’: Keith Ellison Gets SMACKED Down for Blaming Automakers for Car Thefts

    They’ve tried this repeatedly with gubs. I could say my hand can get caught too easily in my KitchenAid stand mixer. I’m suing KitchenAid.


  66. Greg Norton says:

    “China Reportedly Phasing Out Intel, AMD Chips From Government Computers”

    They’ll probably just steal Apple designed M-chips.

    Apple isn’t trustworthy either.

    curl and libcurl are extremely important pieces of software which developers count on acting in a consistent way across the supported platforms.

  67. Alan says:

    There was an ad there with a picture of the Puppet and the text “Biden to drop out June 13?” followed by “Trump to face ‘shadow’ Democrat candidate.” 

    @Greg, something significant about that date? 

  68. Nick Flandrey says:

    Well hey, good news for me…  after doing some more research, the Mr Heater 30K BTU heater I picked up cheap, new return, that I thought was missing the ceramic tiles – isn’t.   It’s a “blue flame” model, designed for indoor use with convection as the main way the heat is distributed.

    The tiled models are for use in outdoor settings or when it’s windy/drafty/uninsulated , and use IR to heat objects and people in front of them, not the air in the room.  

    What misled me is only having seen the ceramic tile models, and that the brackets are in the unit to hold them.   They use the same chassis for both styles. 

    IR would have worked, but I mainly got the thing as back up heat in the BOL, because it doesn’t need electricity, and runs on propane.   

    I’ll have to get the gas line run in before next winter, and get it set up with disconnects…

    I’ll do the same at home for the natgas one I bought a couple of years ago, only I’ll use the gas line that runs to the fireplace instead of running new pipe.  It’s in a nice central location in the house anyway.

    FWIW, the word you must use to search for replacement ceramic honeycomb things is “tiles”.  “replacement tile kit” works too.


  69. Greg Norton says:

    There was an ad there with a picture of the Puppet and the text “Biden to drop out June 13?” followed by “Trump to face ‘shadow’ Democrat candidate.” 

    @Greg, something significant about that date? 

    Relevant events? Not much:

    • Congress passed the 14th Amendment but ratification happened later.
    • The Supreme Court issued the decision in Miranda v. Arizona.

    The only Dem politician of note born on that date is Jerry Nadler.

    If the Dems were going to make a big announcement where they yanked Biden in favor of a ‘shadow’ candidate, the “Juneteenth National Independence Day” on the 19th would make more sense.

    Look on your calendars. That is the official name.

  70. EdH says:

    “China Reportedly Phasing Out Intel, AMD Chips From Government Computers”

    They’ll probably just steal Apple designed M-chips.

    The guy in charge of the Chinese ARM production company declared it a separate company a while back, iP and all as I recall.

    It was all walked  back somehow, but you can assume the mainland government has everything they need to make a decent system.

    Honestly I think systems were “good enough” more than ten years ago, Apple & Microsoft & AMD need the continual upgrade gravy train and have inserted bloat and created a demand for hardware far in excess of what 99% of people actually need.

  71. Nick Flandrey says:

    Huh, checked on my crypto and was pleasantly surprised. 

    Due to the recent run up, I’m up with my small basket of partial coins.   I’m about 15% down from Aug ’21 which was the highest point I wrote down.









    Bitcoin Cash



    As you can see, not even beer money…


  72. Alan says:

    >> Look on your calendars. 

    Or…check “Big Mike’s” calendar.

  73. Alan says:

    >> TSA will not accept my VA health ID. I talked with an agent and asked what would happen if I did not have another form of ID. He said they would do it the old fashioned way. In other words, that lazy-assed agent in Atlanta was not willing to put in any extra effort. Or she was too stupid. Or both.

    I get this feeling that Ray does this just to see if he can get strip-searched by ‘Bruno.’

  74. SteveF says:

    After the third time forgetting your ID, it’s not a memory lapse, it’s a choice.

  75. Greg Norton says:

    >> TSA will not accept my VA health ID. I talked with an agent and asked what would happen if I did not have another form of ID. He said they would do it the old fashioned way. In other words, that lazy-assed agent in Atlanta was not willing to put in any extra effort. Or she was too stupid. Or both.

    Atlanta. Both.

  76. drwilliams says:

    Save Some Bombs for Mexico

    Jazz Shaw 7:20 PM | March 25, 2024 

    But the Mr. Magoo wannabe we have in the Oval Office at the moment

    I find that extremely offensive.

    To compare the beloved Mr. Magoo with the thief, liar, plagiarist, traitor, jacked-up druggie and hair sniffing pervert cowering in the White House basement is unconscionable.

  77. drwilliams says:

    the AP is leaving out details to the point of blatant dishonesty:

    First, Biden and Blinken tried to pressure Israel’s unity government to forego an assault on Hamas’ remaining four brigades in Rafah by proposing a UNSC resolution for a cease-fire. That language required the “unconditional release” of all hostages by Hamas as well. Russia and China vetoed that resolution and replaced it with a conditionless demand for a ceasefire, clearly favoring Hamas and its patron, Iran.

    And after initially threatening a veto, Biden and Blinken instead abstained:

    The United Nations Security Council on Monday demanded a cease-fire in Gaza during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, its first demand to halt fighting.

    The United States abstained on the resolution, which also demanded the release of all hostages taken captive during Hamas’ Oct. 7 surprise attack in southern Israel. But the measure does not link that demand to the cease-fire during Ramadan, which ends April 9.

    The vote comes after Russia and China vetoed a U.S.-sponsored resolution Friday that would have supported “an immediate and sustained cease-fire” in the Israeli-Hamas conflict.

    Make no mistake about the message sent by the UN Security Council. It just voted to vindicate terrorism, human-shield strategies, and hostaging in a breathtaking contradiction to the norms of conflict. Hamas initiated hostilities with the most barbaric large-scale terrorist attack, conducting a planned operation of mass rapes, murders, pillaging, and kidnappings aimed at non-combatants. Rather than demand the return of those kidnapped and a surrender of war criminals as a condition of a cease-fire, the United Nations has instead put the onus on the aggrieved party to stop fighting a war it didn’t start in the first place.

    The mullahs in Tehran couldn’t possibly be more pleased with this turn of events. Even theologically, this is a pure shot in the arm for the radical Islamists. The UN Security Council is ordering Israel to observe Ramadan by standing down in a war that Hamas started on the Jewish holidays of Sukkot and Simchat Torah. Allahu akbar, indeed — and now practically ratified by the UN as policy, or so you can bet the mullahs will declare.

    The consequences of this craven betrayal will be felt for decades.

    The immediate consequences, however, will likely be an acceleraion of the Rafah operation. Benjamin Netanyahu and the unity government had been trying to accommodate Biden in light of his political difficulties at home, but that has already come to a screeching halt. Netanyahu has already canceled a security briefing with the Biden administration as a result of the abstention:

    January 2025: Trump to UN “Out!”

    “The UN is hereby expelled from the United States. U.S. contributions to the UN will cease immediately. All visas of UN employees will be revoked in thirty days. The extraterritorial treaty regarding the UN headquarters complex is cancelled thirty days from now. You have thirty days to find another place to fester.” 

  78. jenny says:

    Today is Sewards Day in Alaska, commemorating the purchase of Alaska from Russia. Local and state holiday. 

    I got through a couple of long delayed jobs. Had two adult rabbits to put in the freezer that I’d been procrastinating since last fall. Fed them all winter to no purpose. As one does. There’s a third adult rabbit which received a stay of execution as she is husband’s favorite. The other two did inappropriate things with urine. The buck sprayed me every chance he got. The doe piddled on her kits regularly. The buck slowed down on his spraying after I juggled the cages around, but since he was also a hassle to handle, and lack luster at performing his essential job functions, was time to go. Catalyst was 12 kits in the nesting boxes who will need grow out cages in a couple more weeks. That gives me time to clean and disinfect cages. The adults who went in the freezer today were replaced last year. Very happy with their replacements. Good temperaments, good conformation, and now that they’ve grown up a bit, proving good at their essential functions.

    Started this morning with cup of coffee and a very funny politically incorrect movie. Was so good I paused it until husband got home then restarted it so he could enjoy it too. Opening scene hooked me. Ricky Stanicky. Maybe I was in just the right mood for it, but not bad to start your day with coffee, and belly laughs. And I didn’t know there were so many Ghostbusters movies. Enjoyed the most recent release.

    I applied to gain access to a municipal garden bed this year, found out I got it. I’m going to plant low maintenance potatoes. The garden beds are behind a tall fence with a coded locked gate. I don’t want to put in anything high effort because it’s in a thoroughfare for our urban outdoors folks and would rather not have my efforts wasted if they get frisky. Dug out a couple seed trays. Saturating the soil and will plant soon. I’m late, but will get something. 6 packs of seedlings were over a buck per plant many places last year, and two a plant in a few places for more difficult plants.

    A cook at a local diner we like got killed last week. Late at night, alcohol likely involved. Nice guy but from the news article he and the guy who shot him both had opportunities to walk away and let their ego / temper get the better of them. Neither made smart choices, and if the cameras and survivors account are accurate, the cook triggered the calamity in response to driving behavior on the part of the dude who killed him.

    Really unfortunate. For both of them.

  79. Lynn says:

    “Obama Voter Explains His Red-Pilling Moments”

    This guy has not been able to afford health insurance since Obamacare started.

    Basically, his analysis is that Obamacare killed health insurance for the middle class because of the subsidies for the poor.

    Hat tip to:

  80. drwilliams says:

    California’s Electricity Disaster In Seven Charts

    “the carbon intensity of power generation isn’t falling”

    The start for Chart 1 and 2 are 2008 and 2011, respectively, so just extract the 2011 to 2023 period:

    Chart 1: Wind and solar, about 4% in 2011, 25.7 in 2023

    Chart 2: gCO2 eq/kWh, about 275 in 2011, about 270 in 2023 (4x seasonal variation, but the average hasn’t changed)

    Chart 4: 2008-2023 CA electricity prices have increased 109%

    Why, one might begin to suspect that:

    “Wind and solar are cheaper” is a lie.

    “Wind and solar are the road to net zero” is a lie.

    If Grusome does manage to wrest the nomination from Biden/Harris and get elected, he sure won’t be going back to Cacafornia. Snake Plissken couldn’t even get him back out of the smoldering ruins.

  81. drwilliams says:

    White House Tells Ukraine to Stop Attacking Russian Oil Refineries

    Given that the oil refinery strikes are the best strategic tool the Ukrainians have for forcing an end to the war, one has to wonder why the White House wants them to stop, given that the reasons are so patently bogus.

    U.S. gasoline $4.00, Trump  adds 5%

    U.S. gasoline $5.00, Trump adds 10%  

    “Biden goes on tv to accuse Trump of emptying the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, MSM agrees, Snopes confirms, Rachel Maddow claims it’s all in a tank under Mar-a-lago”

  82. Nick Flandrey says:

    Pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly announced a temporary shortage of two types of insulin, a medicine taken by more than six million Americans.

    Patients will have a harder time getting their Humalog and Insulin Lispro Injections at wholesalers and pharmacies through the beginning of next month, the company said.

    In the meantime, patients should discuss switching to a different insulin treatment, which is easier said than done, given the various hoops insurance companies may make patients jump through to get them. 

    –I hope this doesn’t affect anyone here.   If it does, what are the elements or restrictions that limit building up  a cushion?


  83. SteveF says:

    Basically, his analysis is that Obamacare killed health insurance for the middle class because of the subsidies for the poor.

    And because of making the healthy subsidize the sick.

  84. Jenny says:

    Nearly forgot. Put RBT and Barbaras astronomy books to good use recently. Daughter had a segment on space with a group project. I sent her to school with the books on loan. They were well received. 

  85. Lynn says:

    And because of making the healthy subsidize the sick.

    I do not equate the healthy with the middle class and the sick with the poor.

    While being sick can make you poor, being healthy cannot make you into the middle class (or wealthy).

  86. JimB says:

    Hmm, my DSL handles simultaneous up and down traffic just fine. Slower than yours at 4.5 down and 0.7 up.

    AT&T ????

    Frontier, and before them Verizon. Before Verizon, GTE. Over 20+ years, I have had a lot of copper line issues, such as bridge taps and failed connections, but absent those, the DSL is very consistent at all times of the day and night. Speed and latency vary by less than 10%. My AT&T cell data can be up to 30 Mb/s down, but at peak times as low as 0.01 Mb/s down. Upload speeds are much more consistent, seldom dipping below about 5 Mb/s.

    Fortunately, my phone can jump between the best available connection. My computers are manual. I considered something like your Peplink box, but instead subscribed to a WISP that gets me about 20 Mb/s symmetrical. I am living large!

  87. brad says:

    The US didn’t veto the cease-fire resolution. Israel is annoyed. Both of those facts are meaningless, because Israel obviously has no plans to stop until they have cleaned Hamas out of Gaza. A two-state solution *might* have a change, if you could draw a clean boundary between the two states, and completely wall them off from each other. As it is, with the claimed territories totally intertwined, no chance.

    Violence in the Middle-East will continue. News at 11:00

    I am wondering how Russia will shoot down 6,000 LEO satellites.  Answer, by poisoning LEO.

    Putin is just crazy enough to do that. However, he is massively indebted to China, and likely China will stomp on any such idea.

    I applied to gain access to a municipal garden bed this year, found out I got it.

    Dunno how the beds are organized there, but be cautious. Here, all the beds of various folks are adjacent. Some people are, um, overly enthusiastic with their usage of weed killer and pesticides. The overspray goes everywhere, meaning that everyone’s plants have a lovely cocktail of all sorts of poisons on them.

    If that’s also true where you are, your choice of root crops is probably wise.

    – – – – –

    In local news, crime in Switzerland is up, by a lot. The conservative parties have managed to get (some of) the details published. No surprise: the increase is largely attributable to migrants from Northern Africa and the Middle East, most of whom are here illegally. Or else they are rejected asylum seekers who refuse to go home, so also illegally here.. Forcing the facts into the public eye may just mean that we can finally do something about it.

    Of course, there are other factors as well. For example, there are organized bands of people who visit from Romania for organized begging, with a little criminality on the side. They get kicked out regularly, but just sneak back in. There are a few other groups as well. But the biggest problem are the illegals.

  88. RickH says:

    Baltimore bridge collapse – with video of the ship striking the bridge and it’s subsequent total collapse. 

    Video also here – suspect you can find it at many sources

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