More of the same. Same ol’ same ol’. Hot and humid. Some overcast and threatening clouds, but no rain. Rinse and repeat. Bo-o-o-ring!
So there I was, sweating through my clothes, sweat dripping from my nose and eyelids, again. Working on something. Again. Drinking water and electrolyte replacement like it was booze and I was Barney on the Simpsons. Seems like lately all I do is work in the heat.
And I can. This is the first summer I’ve been able to work normally after the multi-year recovery from my previous heat injury. So really, I’m thankful that I can. It is getting somewhat old though.
I also remind myself that it’s nothing compared to the labor people used to do, and that we’ll do again, if the world goes pear shaped. In the zombie apocalypse you will NOT be sitting around reading, FINALLY having time to do what you want. You’ll be doing all the work machines and other people used to do for you. You’ll be doing the ‘hidden’ work that others far away did, like providing food, motive power, water, or any of the many many other inputs to your life. Or you’ll be dealing with the outputs of life- waste, effluvia, trash. If you’re lucky, you may be tied to animals, their schedule and their needs.
And with luck, you’ll be fit, strong, and whole. You may not start that way, but if you have enough time, you’ll start heading that way. Not many weight problems in a hand to mouth existence. Not many picky eaters. Not many long term disabilities. Some of that is because if the problems are serious, just surviving them is tough. Some is because without toughness, both mental and physical, you don’t survive. In any case, it doesn’t seem likely that we’ll continue having the physical issues we have now, related to abundance. We’ll have the physical issues caused by scarcity, injury, and accident, but we’ll be thin…
Stack some stuff to keep the wolf from the door. And do what you can now to get in better shape, so you can be strong for yourself and others. We’re gonna need strength and toughness.