Sat. 29, 2018 – I got nuthin’

By on September 29th, 2018 in Random Stuff

75F and threatening to rain.

Of course we have a soccer game this morning!

I’m doing a deep clean on my office and all my work areas as part of a deal with my wife. I get this mess cleaned up, and she doesn’t throw it all out…

Part of what I’m finding (and the part relevant to prepping) is all the books I’ve been picking up for my PA library. I’m putting them in subject piles in the hallway, and will put them on shelves when I figure out how… because I’ve got about 15 ft of shelf in my office, and 30 ft of books. I’ve managed a really good attempt at the ‘bucket list’ of after the collapse books –

I don’t want to bury mine in buckets, I want it out where I can get to it.

My subjects-
math (emphasis on workshop math)
health and medical
sailing (also ropework)
radio and electronics
outdoors (camping, survival, scouting, outdoor living)
food (cooking and preserving)

And separately I have a pretty good collection of the classics of western literature and thought, and a huge sci fi book collection.

I’m a bit heavy on some (6 ft of metalworking, and 3ft stacks of woodworking, outdoors, electronics, construction, and radio) and very light on others like animal husbandry, law, modern lit.

Surprising how much I found and bought for $1-2 each. SERIOUS textbook styles of book too, most vintage except in the medical and woodworking areas.

Overkill? Craziness? Or just an excuse to indulge a love of books?


35 Comments and discussion on "Sat. 29, 2018 – I got nuthin’"

  1. ITguy1998 says:

    Soccer this morning too. Then painting. Need to put the second coat on the drywall work in the garage -replaced the man door. Also need to paint the front porch columns. I keep putting that one off…

  2. Nick Flandrey says:

    Well, the t-storms have caused the game to be canceled, and I can’t work in the garage or driveway, so off to other stuff…..


  3. Nick Flandrey says:

    this is one of the oddest things I’ve watched in a while

    The Congo Dandies: living in poverty and spending a fortune to look like a million dollars

    “La Sape” is a unique movement based in Congo that unites fashion-conscious men who are ready to splurge money they don’t really have on designer clothes. Dressing in stark contrast with their surroundings, these elegant ambiance-makers become true local celebrities… but this fame comes at a price.

    Ghetto fabulous isn’t confined to the US. At least these guys are striving to uplift themselves…. and it doesn’t seem to hurt anyone but their families.


  4. hcombs says:

    Thinking of prepping, I saw this on WOOT
    I tried a couple of these and they work as advertised. I paid $7 each, WOOT has 8 for $20, a good deal. These are perfect for short power outages as the batteries last only about 4 – 6 hours but most outages are short.

  5. Nick Flandrey says:

    WRT the Congo Dandies video, it’s a good look at daily life in a non-industrial city. Look at all the background stuff. This is a PA reality without the zombie hordes. Although I’m betting that violence is a daily occurrence and an constant background noise.

    filth everywhere, dirt floors, rising damp, decaying housing. One room, cooking over wood chips with one pot, in the street in front of your home. Look at the amount of time spent washing, and spent preparing food.


  6. brad says:

    Lots of projects around the house today. Building a new wood rack, for our outdoor seating area. Probably over-engineered, but it ought to last basically forever.

    Also replacing the edging on a flower bed – which sounds real simple until you hit an old foundation for a wall you forgot ever existed. And a drain pipe. And so on… Anyway, got all the icky prep done, so tomorrow I just have to put the new stones in, add a bit of concrete, and fill in the trench.

    I’m still a bit dazed from reading the prog comments on that Washington Post article yesterday. People who live in a completely different reality, where high school gropings traumatize you for life, where 36 year-old memories must be absolutely trusted, even when contradicted by other witnesses, and where it’s not at all odd for such accusations to be trotted out conveniently just-in-time for an important political event.

    It also seemed more than odd that there was not a single pro-Kavenaugh to be seen. Were there really none? Or do conservative comments disappear?

  7. Paul Hampson says:

    “Overkill? Craziness? Or just an excuse to indulge a love of books?”
    Do you really need an excuse? Or is that for the spousal unit? For better or worse mine is an enabler, and indulges on her own.

  8. mediumwave says:

    It also seemed more than odd that there was not a single pro-Kavenaugh to be seen.

    Forget it, Jake. It’s the WaPo.

  9. mediumwave says:

    Overkill? Craziness? Or just an excuse to indulge a love of books?

    Speaking as someone who owns well north of 3000 books, I’d say “yes” to all three! 🙂

  10. mediumwave says:

    WARNING: Nudity! Foul language!

    Since Nick Scipio (NOT our Nick Flandrey!) posts his pix of women in the altogether for free, I’m unsure as to how to classify this: Get woke, go broke? Virtue signaling? What?

  11. CowboySlim says:

    Hey, I learned about Nick Scipio from RBT about a dozen, or more, years ago. I’ve only got about 24 more years to remember.

  12. SteveF says:

    Running his comment through a translator, it seems he said “Please DDOS my host until they can’t serve any pages for anyone and have to drop my site in order to stay in business.”

  13. MrAtoz says:

    Musk takes it in the shorts for $20 million. That will really help Tesla’s viability.

  14. Nick Flandrey says:

    He survived it tho and is still running the company….


  15. mediumwave says:

    Kavanaugh’s angry testimony may save his nomination, but undercut an image of him as an impartial Supreme Court justice

    After the wringer the Dems put him through during the past week, would it be any wonder if BK were somewhat disenamored of their lefty ideology? The man is, after all, only human.

    It’s quite possible that the Dems have created the very “monster” they were trying to make him out to be. Sweet, sweet irony!

  16. Nick Flandrey says:

    Mr Nick Scipio dislikes Trump and anyone who doesn’t but he himself isn’t above a bit of intellectual property theft and exploitation of women… since I’m sure he doesn’t hold the copyrights, or model releases for the pictures.

    And it seems that the DailyMail’s observation about trends in female grooming are spot on…


  17. mediumwave says:

    Nick, you made me go look:

    More women are grooming down below, for sex, holidays and seeing the doctor – but experts warn of a ‘greater risk of injury and STDs’

    Do we want to speculate on what sort of injuries those might be? No, no we do not. 😀

    In my extensive, unstructured, unfocused reading I remember a claim that one of the purposes of axillary (i.e., armpit) hair was to minimize friction. I suspect that pubic hair serves a similar function. I probably should research this further … 😉

  18. lynn says:

    Went and saw my Aggies beat up on the hapless Arkansas razorbacks with my dad, uncle, and cousin today in Jerry’s world. I say hapless because even though my Aggies turned over the ball twice through interceptions and missed two field goals, they still won.

    My cousin squired us to the game in style in his new Tesla model S in electric blue. He got the awd (two electric motors), 310 mile battery, and panoramic roof. Amazingly fast, 0 to 60 mph in 3.5 sec. $68K with tax, title, and license. Still on the first charge, he got it last night. One hour to supercharge or 5 hours on his 230 volt charger in the garage.

  19. paul says:

    Do we want to speculate on what sort of injuries those might be? No, no we do not.
    I’m going to guess infections from shaving nicks. That’s as far as I’m gonna go. SteveF comments may be educational. 🙂

    It’s quite possible that the Dems have created the very “monster” they were trying to make him out to be. Sweet, sweet irony!

    Oh, hell yeah.

    Yeah, I hear folks saying he can’t be a Supreme because he’s going to singlehandedly overturn Roe. Er, doesn’t work like that, but.

    Karl at the The Market Ticker had a good (I think) summation a few days ago.
    I think this is the link:

    What I find interesting, is that on my FB feed anyway, is that ALL of the women raising hell about Kav are pushing 50 and 60. Not all likely to get pregnant. Their children are in their 30’s and have had what kids they want. So, I’m gonna be a butt head here and ask “why do they care about Roe?”.

    I just don’t know.

    Oh. Wait. They all voted for Hillary.

  20. lynn says:

    Musk is still being sued by the Tesla stock shorts. That may be more than $40 million. Way, way more

  21. Nick Flandrey says:

    he should have learned not to run his mouth by now…

    guess not.


  22. Nick Flandrey says:

    BTW, I’m not a fan of shorts, but I understand the function in the market. It’s just that betting against success is more betting than investing, and should have karmic consequences.


  23. paul says:

    In my extensive, unstructured, unfocused reading I remember a claim that one of the purposes of axillary (i.e., armpit) hair was to minimize friction. I suspect that pubic hair serves a similar function. I probably should research this further …

    I’ll save you the task of diving into the pit to do the research personally.

    Just for the hell of it I shaved my pits. Heck, I was trimming my so-called beard and it seemed the thing to do. Very much on the plus side is they don’t get as smelly. Negative side is they just get wet when I get hot… no hair to wick of the sweat and then I have saltwater running down my sides. And my arms sorta stick to my torso.

    By the way, pit hair grows slowly. On me. I have a couple of tufts of half inch hair and the rest is a quarter inch after almost three months.

    So, yeah, the hair seems to be there to reduce friction.

    But yeah, run your own experiment. It’s just hair. It grows back.

  24. lynn says:

    I am convinced that people like Musk do not have any filters on their thoughts to mouths. Such as Steve Jobs, Nicholas Tesla, Edison, etc, etc, etc. They think sideways.

  25. mediumwave says:

    I’ll save you the task of diving into the pit to do the research personally.

    Actually, the armpit wasn’t the area in which I was thinking of doing my research … 😀 😀 😀

    I’m going to guess infections from shaving nicks. That’s as far as I’m gonna go. SteveF comments may be educational.

    I’m sure I speak for all of us when I say that I eagerly await his undoubtedly idiosyncratic observations. 🙂

  26. Nick Flandrey says:

    never thought I’D be the one to elevate the conversation, but there is some decent DX on shortwave tonight.


  27. Nick Flandrey says:

    @mediumwave– that link was from 2016… the one I was referring to was

    from this year. The most striking image in the article is the hair treatment center being asked to do hair transplant procedures for women who have had laser hair removal done. THAT’S gonna sting…

    And also points out the folly of permanent procedures for cosmetic and fashion reasons.


    (there are gonna be a lot of women getting their script tattoos removed in a couple of years…)

  28. mediumwave says:

    Nick: Thanks for the current link!

    Having successfully avoided disaster so far, one final comment: I have it on excellent authority that most guys prefer the fuzz on the peach! 🙂

  29. mediumwave says:

    Karl at the The Market Ticker had a good (I think) summation a few days ago.
    I think this is the link:

    Excellent summation of Roe v. Wade. Bookmarked.

    Given the Left’s underhanded tactics in re abortion and WRT the Kavanaug hearings, it would be fair to say that CW3 is imminent. Kavanaugh’s not being seated on the Supreme Court could well be CW3’s Fort Sumter moment.

  30. Nick Flandrey says:

    Denninger is a smart guy, who has time to write and think. He may be a bit alarmist, but the future may show he was too complacent…

    He does have a hardon against netflix and amazon, which I think are unfounded, and too freaking late, but his indictment of the medical industry is spot on.

    He’s been very convincing on recent issues.

    Even Matt Bracken and WRSA have picked up on it.


  31. brad says:

    ” I’m unsure as to how to classify this: Get woke, go broke?”

    A clear case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

  32. Nick Flandrey says:

    Yep. Funny how that has been with Bush (plural) and Trump. Anyone from the right of center is suddenly hitler, a maniac, too stupid to eat with a fork, evil, a monster, and a loser, despite the fact they managed to convince the money people and enough of the general populous they WEREN’T those things, to get elected.

    But mention Kerry’s cowardice, Gore’s poor grades, or Obaby’s complete lack of accomplishment prior to being thrust on the world stage, and you get crickets…


  33. Greg Norton says:

    BTW, I’m not a fan of shorts, but I understand the function in the market. It’s just that betting against success is more betting than investing, and should have karmic consequences.

    The function of shorts, like everything else, has been distorted by cheap money. However, in The Valley, it seems like a lot of CEOs take it very personally, with Musk as the poster child.

  34. Greg Norton says:

    Went and saw my Aggies beat up on the hapless Arkansas razorbacks with my dad, uncle, and cousin today in Jerry’s world. I say hapless because even though my Aggies turned over the ball twice through interceptions and missed two field goals, they still won.

    I still believe that the taxpayers of the State of Florida got the better part of the Jimbo deal. Willie Taggert will turn things around in Tallahassee.

  35. Greg Norton says:

    But mention Kerry’s cowardice, Gore’s poor grades, or Obaby’s complete lack of accomplishment prior to being thrust on the world stage, and you get crickets…

    After the 2004 election, when the Kerry campaign finally released the Senator’s military service records, an often overlooked item in the document stack is the Yale transcript showing Kerry having a GPA .1 below that of George W. “Gentleman’s ‘C'” Bush.

    Gore. Regardless of Fogerty’s protestations to the contrary, everyone knows who the subject is in “Fortunate Son”. Ok, flunk out of law school, but … divinity school?!?

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