Day: May 27, 2015

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

08:32 – I thought things had calmed down a bit in Baltimore and other large cities, but apparently not. Over the holiday weekend, about 30 people were shot in Baltimore, nine of them fatally, and nearly 60 were shot in Chicago, with a dozen dead. Meanwhile, police are increasingly just standing by and watching, and who can blame them? They understand that if they do their jobs they’re likely to face felony charges, and if they’re acquitted of those charges, the feds are likely to come after them. Whatever happened to double jeopardy?

Now is not a good time to be living in the middle-class suburbs surrounding urban centers, let alone in the urban centers themselves, and it’s only going to get worse. So-called “white flight”, more properly called “middle-class flight”, is taking on a whole new meaning, as the suburbs are no longer the safe havens that they once were. It’s now becoming a question of just how far one can get away from population concentrations and still make a living. Those of us with Internet businesses have a lot more options than most people. If I had a good office job in a large population center, I’d start a part-time Internet business right now and work very hard toward transitioning it to a full-time business that would generate enough business to pay the bills.

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