Day: March 15, 2015

Sunday, 15 March 2015

10:12 – We’re doing the usual Sunday stuff. This afternoon, Barbara will continue watching season 5 of Glee while she labels bottles. I’ll be filling bottles.

The mailman brought me six flats of boxes yesterday, four of the regional rate A boxes and two of the regional rate B boxes. I mentioned to him that it was annoying that USPS would allow me to order only four flats of 25-boxes of any given size at a time, which means that I need to place multiple orders to keep the boxes in stock, particularly during the summer/autumn rush season. He said that USPS implemented the limit because people would accidentally over-order. He said one of his customers wanted 100 flat-rate boxes and had ordered quantity 100 without realizing that she was ordering 100 flats of 25 boxes each rather than 100 boxes. So he ended up delivering 2,500 boxes, to her horror. He carried the extra 96 flats of boxes back to the post office, which was a several year supply for them.

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