Day: July 8, 2015

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

08:20 – I built a batch of chemistry kits yesterday. Today I’ll build more chemistry kits and then get started on forensic science kits. The rest of the week, I’ll be making up solutions, filling bottles, and building subassemblies.

I’m not going to bother following the Greece situation any more. Greece is toast no matter what transpires, Tsipras is finished, and ordinary Greeks are screwed for the indefinite future. Decades, anyway. But the EU is also screwed no matter what happens. If the Brits have any sense, they’ll distance themselves as much as possible from the EU fuster-cluck.

Meanwhile, the Chinese equities crash looms. Unlike Greece, China isn’t a piss-ant little country that no one cares about. China matters. The Chinese stock market is in the midst of a 1929-class crash, and is dragging Australia down with it. It’s a scary world out there. The only refuges are the US and Canada, which is scary in itself.

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