Monday January 1, 2018

By on January 1st, 2018 in personal, Uncategorized

It was 3 degrees, sunny, and calm when I took Colin out at 8am.

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and Bob gets well enough to come home.

21 Comments and discussion on "Monday January 1, 2018"

  1. Nick Flandrey says:



  2. DadCooks says:

    Thanks Barbara. Continuing best wishes and prayers for you and Bob. )FD your on the list too.

    Well I see our Police State managed to keep all the “revelers” safe last night and this morning. Hangover is probably the word of the day. Here there was less booming and banging than usual, thank goodness, so we got a good night’s sleep.

    Hoping for the best in 2018 but continuing vigilance and readiness.

    Peace, Strength, Love, Hope

  3. SteveF says:

    Aw, c’mon DadCooks, couldn’t you have at least structured those well-wishes so they’d form an ironic acronym or something?

    Strength, Love, Optimism, Peace
    Peace, Unity, Grit, Strength
    Hope, Optimism, Peace, Strength

  4. CowboySlim says:

    Happy New Year and best wishes to all!

    Recreational pot now legal here. Closest store is within 10 miles with all others at least 60 miles away. Consequently, expect very lengthy line, in both time and distance.

    Therefore, will stop at drug store on the way for some adult diapers.

  5. DadCooks says:

    You have a point there @Steve.

  6. MrAtoz says:

    Happy After Kwanzaa!

    A tragedy at the Red Rock casino last night! I didn’t win one bingo session. 2018 already sucks dead bunnies.

  7. Greg Norton says:

    As always, our host is in our thoughts and prayers.

    And OFD … may Xenu have mercy. 🙂

  8. SteveF says:

    OFD’s embraced the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Rather, the FSM has embraced OFD. He’s been touched by His noodly appendage.

  9. Nick Flandrey says:

    Saw a phrase I’d never heard today- “boobs like a roofer’s nailbags.”


  10. DadCooks says:

    Saw a phrase I’d never heard today- “boobs like a roofer’s nailbags.”

    Unfortunately I have seen some of those, an image that is hard to erase.

  11. MrAtoz says:

    He’s been touched by His noodly appendage.

    Careful. Wet noodles are my territory.

  12. jim~ says:

    lol @Nick.

    Ray, you mentioned earlier that your secure facility had not one, but two Faraday cages, one inside the other. Just curious if you know why?

  13. medium wave says:


    A happy and productive new year to all!

  14. lynn says:

    “U.S. Average Temperature Plummets to 11 deg. F”

    “This morning at 7 a.m. EST, the area average temperature across the contiguous 48 states was a frigid 11 deg. F.”

    It be cold out there !

    Hat tip to:

  15. Ray Thompson says:

    not one, but two Faraday cages, one inside the other. Just curious if you know why?
    I have no idea. I was not high enough on the food chain. I only know because they had to run a new pipe for the chiller and I saw the opening in the wall. Two copper mesh layers, one close to the exterior, one close to the interior wall. For all I really know it could only be one layer for the entire facility and this dual layer was unique to the opening.

    The fact that I saw it may have been a security violation and would be reason enough to shoot me. Lot of, to me, strange stuff in that facility. Both in procedures and infrastructure.

  16. Nick Flandrey says:

    The one I saw under construction had a layer of coarser mesh and one of finer mesh. the different mesh openings will stop different frequencies. And mesh because it’s cheaper than copper sheet.

    That’s what I thought at the time.


  17. Dr Bob says:

    How is Bob’s health insurance holding up?
    Sounds like he might be in for a long and expensive battle.
    BTW, are those temps C or F?

  18. Ray Thompson says:

    under construction had a layer of coarser mesh and one of finer mesh

    That sounds like a very plausible explanation.

    How is Bob’s health insurance holding up?
    Sounds like he might be in for a long and expensive battle.

    I think he had signed up for the Affordable Care Act coverage. That means his maximum out of pocket would be about $8K for last year. An amount he has surely exceeded by a large amount. The biggest risk is the network affiliation of the providers. The facility may be in network so that would be covered. However, the specialists may not be in the network and would be covered at a much higher maximum out of pocket, typically double the in network. Thus I suspect he will be on the hook for about $24K for last year. Of course this year starts everything new again.

    As much as I despise the ACA (Obuttwadcare), without it RBT would be bankrupt if there was no insurance coverage. I suspect RBT would be smart enough to get his own coverage through an insurance company. It is just to risky to not have coverage as these events have shown.

    BTW, are those temps C or F?

    F otherwise the numbers would be negative.

    It is currently 8F where I am living in east TN and would equate -13C.

  19. lynn says:

    As much as I despise the ACA (Obuttwadcare), without it RBT would be bankrupt if there was no insurance coverage. I suspect RBT would be smart enough to get his own coverage through an insurance company. It is just to risky to not have coverage as these events have shown.

    I remember reading somewhere recently that 2/3rds of all bankruptcies were medically related. Of course, Snopes says that it was only 60%.

  20. nick flandrey says:

    I listed my medical bills when I filed. Figured I was filing, I might as well make sure they couldn’t come back from the dead and try again.


    ADDED- like the credit card companies, they were unwilling to make any adjustments, or accommodations, so they got NOTHING. I’d have thought something was better than nothing, after all that’s better than a ham sandwich, but NOT by their reckoning.

  21. lynn says:

    ADDED- like the credit card companies, they were unwilling to make any adjustments, or accommodations, so they got NOTHING. I’d have thought something was better than nothing, after all that’s better than a ham sandwich, but NOT by their reckoning.

    If the Medical supplier gives you a discount, then they have to give Medicare, Medicaid, and the insurance companies like BCBS the same discount. It is not worth the trivial income.

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