Day: November 13, 2014

Thursday, 13 November 2014

08:46 – The morning paper reports that the DA will not prosecute a young man who on Monday beat his father to death with a length of steel pipe. The DA concluded that the young man was acting in self-defense and defense of his mother. The dead man had a long history of domestic violence. As terrible as this is for the young man and his mother, it brought a smile to my face. I love to see stories about wife- and child-beaters being beaten to death themselves. That’s true justice, something our so-called justice system almost never delivers.

Work on the prepping book continues. At the moment, I’m writing about vigilance committees and the power, in the absence of competent authority, of any elected or appointed government official, inside or outside law enforcement, in the legislative, judicial, or executive branches of any level of government to deputize civilians during an emergency.

13:27 – Well, it’s been a pretty good day so far. We’ve shipped three science kits, including two to the same person in Australia. I’ve also received three exciting emails, the first telling me that I’ve been accepted to Who’s Who, the second telling me that I can get my doctorate on-line, and the third telling me that I can earn $4,000 per month working at home. I’ll take care of the first two later today. I deleted the third one, because I already earn more than $4,000 per month working at home.

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