Wednesday, 25 January 2012

By on January 25th, 2012 in dogs, writing

07:49 – Heads-down writing continues, as it will for the next several days.

I was just reading an article to Colin yesterday about new evidence that dogs have been man’s best friend for at least 33,000 years, back when we were still Cro Magnon. Two skeletons of what are unquestionably domesticated dogs have been reliably dated to 31,000 BCE. To put that in perspective, it wasn’t until about 11,000 BCE that man domesticated the sheep, pig, and cow, and it wasn’t until about 6,000 BCE that women domesticated men.

28 Comments and discussion on "Wednesday, 25 January 2012"

  1. BGrigg says:

    …6000 BCE that women domesticated men.

    Really? I thought it was more like the 1960s…

  2. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    Nah, I was speaking literally. Until then, we guys had things all our own way. Howling at the moon, wiping our noses on our sleeves, eating with our fingers, never bathing, and so on. Oh, yeah. And dragging women off and having our way with them any time we felt like it.

    Then, in what may forever remain an unsolved mystery, women somehow took complete control, overnight. The next morning, worldwide, guys woke up scratching their heads and wondering what happened.

    Best evidence suggests that this cataclysm occurred on the evening of 22 October 6004 BCE.

  3. BGrigg says:

    Ah, I think I can help explain that. The temperature dropped, the women looked like they might make good blankets, and casual sex was invented. There is no tool stronger than the vaginal pipe wrench.

    Before that, I imagine we were like the rest of the animals and waited until the females were in heat. I hadn’t realized they had put such an accurate date on it. Must be using the same data base as the guys that come up with one temperature for the whole planet, and claim accuracy to two decimal points.

  4. Best evidence suggests that this cataclysm occurred on the evening of 22 October 6004 BCE.

    That must be when divine inspiration passed down by homeopathic dog-bite saliva and natural vaccine resistance caused me to start saying, “women rule the universe and allow men the illusion of control”.
    I printed mugs to remind me.
    My Mug

  5. SteveF says:

    It dates back to the beginning of agriculture. In the hunter-gatherer days, the men were gone most of the day or even on many-day trips to get meat. Once agriculture began, they settled down and were home every night. And there was no excuse to get away from the nagging. Just to get a little quiet, men collectively said, Fine, do whatever you want.

  6. Chuck Waggoner says:

    Yeah, having a kid every other year to add to the workforce on the farm, became pretty important. That meant domestic relations were about as important as the farm.

    Not sure what men did in the hunter-gatherer days. Hmm. Not home much of the time; no need for big families. Hmm.

    Here’s something interesting from BBC Biz Daily. Apparently, Brazil is doing fabulously in halting destruction of its portion of the Amazon rainforest. One of the ways they are doing it, is by having constructed a condom factory in the middle of all those rubber trees. Apparently, this is SO eco-friendly, that environmentalists have become rabid in protecting the rubber trees to make these condoms.

    Leave it to condoms to fix the Amazon.

  7. OFD says:

    SteveF is once again correct and Chuck gets tonight’s prize for comedy, LOL, condoms for Amazons!

  8. OFD says:

    And about a half hour ago or so, when I posted the above, I lost the site. Just now I went to it as I have it bookmarked and then navigated over here OK. But the page I’d been on, today’s, just up and disappeared again without so much as a how do ye do. Not the first time, either.

    In other good nooz, an org of which I am a member, the Vietnam Security Police Association, is going to host their site from now on with a Linux server.

    As you can see, a work in progress over these next couple of days.

  9. Chuck Waggoner says:

    Speaking of apes, apparently, a young Johnny Crawford (The Rifleman’s son) was the first (and maybe–like moon shots–the last) to star naked in a movie that was released by mainstream distributors. Not sure how I ever missed that (apparently, it also had Victoria Principal naked in it, too). Movie was produced by Hugh Hefner. Crawford also became the first male in history to be displayed with full frontal nudity in Playboy. And here–all these years–I had thought it was Burt Reynolds. Just goes to show you how valuable a good PR man is.

    I am not sure how mankind came to be so modest, but I’m with the naturists: a person ought to be free to walk down the street in any clothing–or lack thereof–that they so desire.

    It’s gone now, but–up until about 5 years ago–once a year, Berlin had The Love Parade. Stark raving nudity was tolerated all over the city, and it was not unusual to see people completely naked on the public transit or walking around the city. I consider myself quite observant, but on a couple of occasions, Jeri had to point out to me that a couple of people on our bus were naked. Fortunately, it was always shapely young naked people, not folks like myself, who would drive anybody away if seen naked.

  10. Chuck Waggoner says:

    Oh, I left out the name of the movie: The Naked Ape.

  11. OFD says:

    Here in Montpeculiar we had a young woman walking around downtown in BROAD daylight, kinda hot, too, with a young man, who was himself fully clothed. This was last summer and several local yokels took pics with their cells, natch. I missed the show but it made the local paper and the local yokel gossip networks.

    Further south, in lovely Brattleboro, there are, in warmer weather, usually a half dozen or a dozen people walking around starkers during the day. No one cares.

    And not that fah from here there is a pond, Ticklenaked Pond, believe it or not.

  12. Chuck Waggoner says:

    I’m liking Vermont more and more. ‘cept for the snow and cold. So far, this Indiana winter has been a snap. Of course, nakedness in any form is not tolerated here in the Bible belt. Darn it.

  13. OFD says:

    Come visit up here sometime and I will give you a tour. This goes for anyone here on this board, but don’t expect to see me naked unless you want the fright of your life. Or a gigantic case of jealousy. Or, more likely, be bored senseless. We will try to locate some of the fairer gender in that state of undress, of course.

    And don’t forget, Greg, that Sandra Bullock’s sister has a shop about a five-minute drive from my house.

    And all of y’all don’t forget also that one of your undoubtedly fave-rave comics and actresses, one Whoopi Goldberg, also has quite the place here in the great Green Mountain State. Just for you, Robert, we will try to catch her out sunbathing or something.

  14. SteveF says:

    You know what your part of the country needs, Chuck? A serial killer, one targeting a certain demographic with a loudly expressed, obstreperous morality. Oh, who am I kidding? A serial killer wouldn’t be able to put a dent in that demographic.

    You know what your part of the country needs, Chuck? A lethal virus, one targeting humans with the Buttinsky gene.

  15. Miles_Teg says:

    Chuck the wannabe nudist wrote:

    “It’s gone now, but–up until about 5 years ago–once a year, Berlin had The Love Parade. Stark raving nudity was tolerated all over the city, and it was not unusual to see people completely naked on the public transit or walking around the city.”

    I didn’t go inside the English Garden in Munich when I was there but I was told by the tour leader that pretty much anything goes there. One day the currents in the stream that passes through it were stronger than usual and some nude swimmers were swept out of it and into the centre of Munich. They just took a tram back to the Garden.

    This guide was quite interesting and likeable, and admitted that he sometimes swam and sunbathed nude there, and had been sprung by some members of a previous tour.

    I think nudism at the beach or some defined place like the English Garden is okay but I wouldn’t care for it anywhere. Well, perhaps if it was restricted to nubile young women…

  16. Miles_Teg says:

    There were a few smirks but otherwise no reaction to the nudists on the tram.

  17. Miles_Teg says:

    Chuck wrote:

    “Of course, nakedness in any form is not tolerated here in the Bible belt. Darn it.”

    Sydney’s not part of the Bible Belt but it’s more conservative than Vermont and Germany, more liberal than Indiana. A few years ago I was walking on the side of the Hume Highway at Strathfield, a suburb of Sydney. 3-4 young people were walking on the other side, and every time a vehicle went past one of the young women lifted her t-shirt and jiggled her tits – and she was pretty large where it counts. I just thought “you stupid bint, you’ll cause an accident.”

    I don’t think anyone would get away with public nudity in Australia unless at a nude beach. But it does happen occasionally on a mass scale. (like demos, and posed events like some chap who goes round photographing nude people en mass.)

  18. Miles_Teg says:

    OFD wrote:

    “Come visit up here sometime and I will give you a tour. This goes for anyone here on this board…”

    I’m tempted. When I was in North America in 2003 I was mainly in DC and Niagara Falls. I’m interested in nuclear tourism (Trinity Site, a decommissioned Titan II silo in AZ, a decommissioned Minuteman Silo in SD, etc), a few other natural type sites, Alabama (to try and liberate one of their young lovelies), the UP of Michigan, and perhaps Boston and NE. Not interested in NY even though it’s loaded with museums and art galleries. Don’t know if I’ll ever make it over though.

    “And don’t forget, Greg, that Sandra Bullock’s sister has a shop about a five-minute drive from my house. ”

    SB’s sister isn’t SB…

  19. OFD says:

    We got us a nuke plant here in Vermont, down south a ways, toward Brattleboro, where the folks walk around naked downtown.

    Slick site name, too:

    As you might expect up here, there is a lot of opposition, and the usual slew of bumper stickers, usually on the Beemers, Volvos, Saabs and Mercedes of people with second and third homes here or transplants from Long Island, CT, NJ, etc.

    I am trying to locate a sticker I can use that says, more or less, THIRTY NUKE PLANTS A YEAR FOR THIRTY YEARS!

    Morons. These are usually alongside the Free Tibet and Free Mumia stickers.

  20. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    Yeah, the trouble is that some morons are very pretty.

    Back in the late 70’s, when Rhodesia was in the news, I was at a party. A very pretty girl approached me, and we started talking about a bunch of different stuff. I had designs on her body, but then I blew it. She asked me whether I supported Robert Mugabe or Joshua Nkomo. I told her they were both terrorists, that blacks had it better in Rhodesia than in any other country in Africa and were fighting to get into Rhodesia (which was true), and that if Mugabe or Nkomo won the whole country would turn into a hell-hole for both whites and blacks, which of course it did.

    She called me a racist pig, and stomped off. Oh, well. Obviously, I’d have preferred that blacks had full civil rights in Rhodesia, but I knew there was no way that was going to happen, no matter who won. At least under the white government blacks had enough to eat and access to decent medical care. With Mugabe in charge, the blacks are literally starving and have no medical care at all.

  21. Miles_Teg says:

    Down here it was Australia Day yesterday (Thursday 26th January) and the Prime Minister (Julia Gillard) and Opposition Leader (Tony Abbot) were at a restaurant in inner Canberra presenting awards. Abbot had said something that was perfectly true and obvious: that after 40 years it was time for the “Aboriginal Tent Embassy” to be removed. That set off a firestorm amongst the politically correct, they surrounded the restaurant and started banging on the windows. More details here:

    Abbot just said what 90% of us were thinking. It’s time these good-for-nothings moved on and their “embassy” was sent to the dump.

  22. BGrigg says:

    I bet the Aboriginals are saying the exact same thing…

  23. Chuck Waggoner says:

    Miles Teg says:

    One day the currents in the stream that passes through it were stronger than usual and some nude swimmers were swept out of it and into the centre of Munich.

    Don’t forget that the original nudist movement started in Germany, up on the coast by the North Sea. It is called FKK (F kah kah), Frei Korper Kultur.

    Swimming naked is completely acceptable in Germany, and anywhere there is water and swimming, about 1/3 of the swimmers wear nothing — and that includes sunbathing or whatever on the shore.

  24. Miles_Teg says:

    I don’t object to nude swimming and sunbathing in public, but I’m not convinced I like the idea of general nudity in public. And clothes should be compulsory for some people, including many members of this forum.

  25. Dave B. says:

    I don’t object to nude swimming and sunbathing in public, but I’m not convinced I like the idea of general nudity in public. And clothes should be compulsory for some people, including many members of this forum.

    I’m pretty sure I don’t want to see any members of this forum naked. Don’t feel bad though, because I’m even more certain I don’t want to see anyone whose photo who has appeared on People of WalMart naked.

  26. Chuck Waggoner says:

    Interesting article on thought control. It’s okay to be naked in SF, as long as you are not thinking lewd thoughts while doing it. Hmm.

    The interesting conflict is whether someone else who is offended by the “scrotum” — as a woman in the pictures claimed, — has the prevailing right to make other people cover theirs.

  27. OFD says:

    Robert mentioned Rhodesia; right after I got back from Uncle’s shows in southeast Asia, Rhodesian security forces tried to recruit me for their operations over there, at what was for the time, outstanding pay and bennies, far more than I’d made working for Uncle. I would have been a senior NCO or WO running a platoon of African troops on search-and-destroy ops. But I’d had enough of that kind of thing after four years and two combat tours (a joke now when guys are doing four, five, six tours in the Sandbox) and didn’t really dig the idea of supervising black guys killing other black guys far away.

    So I bagged that idea and went to work in factories, and then eventually as a street cop down in MA. By the time I hit my thirties, though, the old adrenalin rush thing had lost its appeal and the stress from the job and nearly total negativity every night sent me screaming into IT, where I have been off and on, ever since.

    “…I don’t want to see any members of this forum naked. Don’t feel bad though, because I’m even more certain I don’t want to see anyone whose photo who has appeared on People of WalMart naked.:”

    I kind of think that those two categories, at least in terms of physical appearance while naked, are one and the same. Except for me, of course.

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